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Special Interest Housing

Residential and Student Life offers a variety of special interest programs to meet the needs of our diverse community. Students can elect to become residents in one of our special housing option areas.  

These communities are organized around themes and interests and occupy specifically selected sections of residence halls. The result is an increased opportunity for individuals with similar interest to live and learn together. For more information on any of these special interest programs, please contact our office. The below list is in alphabetical order.

Athletic Housing

This housing option is for both new and continuing students who participate in any of the recognized athletic teams on campus. Residential and Student Life works closely with Athletics to provide housing that meets the needs of all athletes. Athletes are housed in Wayback and The Commons. Athletes (based on athletic approval) can often stay while their team is in season during Thanksgiving break, winter break, and spring break, and offers team members the opportunity to experience campus life together.

Cultural Immersion Housing

Cultural immersion housing is designed for international and domestic students who want to live together and focus on a cultural exchange and programming around the same theme. This housing option is available in the Olde apartments.

First-Year Experience (FYE) Program

This program is designed specifically to ease the transition from high school to college. These our First-Year residence halls provide a special setting for all first-year students. This area focuses additional attention on the unique transitional needs of first-year students. The FYE program is currently housed in Farside, Crossroads, and Central. All first-year students who reside in these buildings are automatically a part of the FYE program.

Gender Inclusive Housing

Gender-inclusive housing provides students the opportunity to occupy a safe-space housing option that does not require all room/apartment-mates to be of the same legal sex. You will be able to select gender inclusive housing throughout the entire selection process, as long as you noted your preference on your questionnaire. Please note that students in gender inclusive areas that are not filled (rooms, apartments, etc.) will be consolidated in order to open more space for students who may not elect to live in this housing community. 

Please contact rsl@purchase.edu for questions concerning this process.

Graduate/Nontraditional Student Housing

Graduate/Nontraditional student housing is available in the apartments. Students who are at least 24 years of age, or are graduate students, may choose this residential option. Graduate/Nontraditional student housing is currently only located within the Olde apartment community, although graduate and nontraditional students can live in any apartment complex should they meet qualifications and willing to reside with undergraduate students.

PREP Housing (Purchase Residence Extension Program)

PREP housing is an option that provides housing over breaks when the college residential facilities are closed. There is an additional cost associated with all types of PREP housing. You do not need to fill a group roster, you may sign up by space. The PREP options and locations currently available are:

Alumni Village

All spaces in Alumni Village are apartment singles. You can sign up for academic-year PREP (Aug.–May). You will be assigned an apartment, matching academic-year PREP students together  We cannot guarantee apartment-mate preferences as all students living in PREP must be assigned with other PREP students.


There are two different housing types located within the Olde PREP option. There is a 4-person apartment option (comprised of one double and two single rooms) and also an 6-person duplex apartment option (comprised of 2 doubles and two single rooms). You will be assigned an apartment, matching academic-year PREP students together We cannot guarantee apartment-mate preferences as all students living in PREP must be assigned with other PREP students.


There are two different housing types located within the Commons PREP option. There is a 4-person apartment option (comprised of two double rooms) and also an 6-person apartment option (comprised of 3 doubles rooms). You will be assigned an apartment, matching academic-year PREP students together We cannot guarantee apartment-mate preferences as all students living in PREP must be assigned with other PREP students.


Wayback is our residence hall PREP option. The PREP housing type located within the Wayback residence hall consists of a 4 person junior suite option. This junior suite includes one double and two single rooms. You will be assigned an apartment, matching academic-year PREP students together We cannot guarantee apartment-mate preferences as all students living in PREP must be assigned with other PREP students.

In order to indicate your interest in PREP housing, please make sure to indicate this on your housing application. Please also follow up with an email to rsl@purchase.edu.

Single Rooms

Residential and Student Life offers a limited number of singles for returning students in the residence halls, the Olde apartments, and Alumni Village apartments. Singles are generally not available for first-year and transfer students.

Transfer Student Housing

Transfer students are often placed in upper-class housing spaces within the apartments, and upper-class residence halls.  They are generally placed with other transfer students or with current upper-class students.  In order to be eligible to qualify for an apartment space, students must either have 40 completed credits or be 21 years of age at the time of application.

Substance Free Housing

Students in substance-free housing agree to remain drug, smoke, and alcohol free. Students that are found responsible for use of any of these substances will be removed from this housing area. Please note: All Purchase College residence halls are drug and smoke free, and all first-year residence halls are designated as alcohol free. In order to attain Substance-Free Housing please contact Residential and Student Life at rsl@purchase.edu.

Individuals selecting this housing option will be required to sign a Substance-Free Housing Agreement. Violation of this agreement will cause for immediate removal from the Substance-Free Housing community.