Our Hours Today:

Section E: Welfare, Safety, and Environmental Health

An offense related to welfare, safety and environmental health of the college community is committed when a person:

  1. Uses, possesses, or manufactures firearms, explosives, and/or weapons.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Expulsion
    For instances where firearms, explosives, and/or weapons have been used in a threatening and/or intimidating manner, or in a manner that otherwise causes panic or alarm:
    Recommended Standard 1 st offense: Suspension for one year; disciplinary probation upon return for one year (includes parental notification).
    Recommended Standard 2 nd offense: Expulsion (includes parental notification).

  2. Uses, possesses, or manufactures fireworks or other dangerous articles/substances injurious to persons or property.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Expulsion

  3. Knowingly initiates or circulates a false report of any explosion, fire, incident, or other emergency, or interferes with the response of college or other officials to such emergency calls.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Expulsion

  4. Abuses, misuses, removes, or damages fire or safety equipment (e.g. covered smoke detectors, misuse of fire extinguishers, pulling a fire station with no active emergency in progress, etc.)

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Expulsion
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary Probation for one year and fire safety education class.
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Residence Suspension for one semester and Judicial Educator - Module 10: Fire Safety.

  5. Fails to vacate buildings when any fire emergency warning system is activated.

    Minimum: Residence Probation
    Maximum: Suspension

  6. Creates a fire hazard, endangers safety of persons or property, improperly uses electrical appliances, or improperly uses or possesses flammable or hazardous items or substances. (e.g. burning incense, candles, or any other open flame device; extension cords; hanging non-LED lights).

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Disciplinary Probation

  7. Starts, attempts to start, or tends a fire without appropriate college and local agencies authorization (e.g. arson, bonfires, campfires, etc.).

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Expulsion

  8. (A): Uses or possesses narcotics, hallucinogens, concentrated cannabis, synthetic drugs, or any other controlled substances except as a medical prescription that is taken as prescribed. [1]

    Minimum: Suspension
    Maximum: Expulsion
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Suspension for one semester, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s), and disciplinary probation upon return for one year. (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    (B): Uses or possesses cannabis or derivatives of cannabis, except as defined in policy violation E.8A.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Probation
    Maximum: Expulsion
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary probation for one year, a Substance Screening and Education appointment and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Suspension for one semester, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s), and disciplinary probation upon return for one year. (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 3rd Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    (C): Manufactures, distributes, sells, gives, or offers cannabis or its derivatives, narcotics, hallucinogens, or controlled substances.

    Minimum: Suspension
    Maximum: Expulsion
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    (D): Uses, possesses, gives, or has under their control any drug or alcohol paraphernalia, including but not limited to water pipes, hookahs, vapes, e-cigarettes, rolling papers, tobacco products, bongs, beer balls, kegs, grinders and hypodermic syringes/needles not prescribed by a licensed physician.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Disciplinary Probation
    Recommended Standard: Disciplinary probation for one year. (For paraphernalia associated with drugs other than cannabis, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s), will also be included).

  9. (A): Underage Consumption of Alcohol

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Expulsion

    For students that are sanctioned to a Substance Screening and Education appointment:
    Recommended standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary Reprimand, a Substance Screening and Education appointment and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Disciplinary probation for one year, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 3rd Offense: Suspension for one semester, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s) prior to return, and disciplinary probation upon return for one year. (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 4th Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    For students that are sanctioned to a Substance Use Consultation:
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary probation for one year, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Suspension for one semester, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s), and disciplinary probation upon return for one year. (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 3rd Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    (B): Possesses an open container of alcohol. A container of alcohol is considered open when it is found in a public area not assigned to a student (e.g. hallways, lobbies, balconies, porches, outdoors, etc.)

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Disciplinary Probation
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary Reprimand (Includes parental notification).
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation for one semester and a Substance Screening and Education appointment and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)

    (C): Public Intoxication. Public areas are those not assigned to a student (e.g. hallways, lobbies, balconies, porches, outdoors, residence assignment other than their own, etc.)

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Expulsion

    For students that are sanctioned to a Substance Screening and Education Appointment:
    Recommended standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary Reprimand, a Substance Screening and Education appointment, and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Disciplinary probation for one year, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 3rd Offense: Suspension for one semester, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s), and disciplinary probation upon return for one year. (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 4th Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    For students that are sanctioned to a Substance Assessment:
    Recommended Standard 1st Offense: Disciplinary probation for one year, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s). (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 2nd Offense: Suspension for one semester, a Substance Use Consultation and compliance with any resulting appointment(s), and disciplinary probation upon return for one year. (Includes parental notification)
    Recommended Standard 3rd Offense: Expulsion (Includes parental notification).

    (D): All students must comply with the College Alcohol Policy:

    • Students of legal drinking age are permitted to consume alcohol in their rooms, suites, or apartments with the door closed.
    • No alcohol is permitted in rooms, suites, or apartments where all assigned students are under 21 years old.
    • If a room is shared by students who are under age and of legal drinking age, it must be clear that the alcohol is being consumed by those who are 21 years of age or older.
    • Alcohol or empty alcohol containers are not permitted in freshman or wellness residence assignments even if one or more residents are of legal drinking age.
    • No person shall sell, deliver, give away, or cause, permit, or procure the sale, delivery, or giving away of alcoholic beverages to any person that is under the age of 21 years.
    • No person under the age of 21 may possess any alcoholic beverage. (Please see Alcohol Beverage Policy)
      Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
      Maximum: Suspension
  10. Engages in, or offers games of chance for money or other game in violation of New York State law.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Disciplinary Probation

  11. Solicits or sells items or services of any kind for personal gain without the approval of the College.

    Minimum: Disciplinary Reprimand
    Maximum: Disciplinary Probation

[1] Controlled substance (as defined by the New York State Penal Law) means any substance listed in Schedules I, II, III, IV, or V of section 3306 of the New York State Public Health Law, other than marijuana, but including concentrated cannabis as defined by the New York State Health Law (Section 3302, paragraph a, subdivision 5).

Concentrated Cannabis is defined by the New York State Health Law (Section 3302, paragraph a-5)