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Activity: What if you could hear art?

For abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky (Russian, 1866-1944), a rare neurological condition allowed him to see colors when he heard music—and to hear music when he painted. Music and color were bound together within his mind, and in turn, helped him explore these sensations in unconventional, artistic ways. What if you could hear color, too? Now you can!

Related Information

Google Arts & Culture has created an experiment with machine learning that allows you to “play” Kandinsky’s painting, Yellow-Red-Blue. Click on the graphic or link below to launch the experiment.
Follow this link to learn more about Kandinsky on the Google Arts & Culture website.

unspoken symphony Create art you can hear

Inspired by a little girl who can’t speak, Greenwich Biosciences—a company that helps transform the lives of children, adults, and families who live with rare neurological diseases—created unspoken symphony to transform artwork into an original melody, giving the world a chance to communicate and connect with loved ones like never before.

Make A Melody … your symphony awaits

unspoken symphony is free for everyone.

Visit the site to see and hear artwork that has been created by others or follow the four easy steps to transform your own art into music.


Google Art & Culture

Greenwich Biosciences