Allison Miller & Daniel Gerwin
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Recorded via Zoom on Thursday, February 18, 2021
The Neuberger Museum of Art virtually hosted contemporary artist Allison Miller and artist, curator and writer Daniel Gerwin for an In Conversation Artist Talk focusing on Miller’s work, including two objects recently added to the museum’s collection.
This event is part of the Daniel P. Paduano and Janet W. Prindle Lecture Series
Miller discussed two recently acquired works in the Neuberger Museum of Art collection—Spinning Field and Spinning Table, purchased through the museum’s Basil Alkazzi Acquisition Fund—as well as her current body of work for an upcoming exhibition in March 2021 at Susan Inglett Gallery, New York, before responding to questions from the audience.
This event is part of the Daniel P. Paduano and Janet W. Prindle Lecture Series
List of speakers
- Diana Puglisi
Curator of Education, Youth & Adult Programs, Neuberger Museum of Art
- Allison Miller
contemporary artist
- Daniel Gerwin
artist, curator and writer