Teaching Museum
The Neuberger Museum of Art is an academic museum, meaning that while we function as a public-facing exhibiting and collecting institution, we are on the Purchase College, SUNY campus. That placement, both physically and conceptually, is a fundamental part of the museum’s identity.
In this session of Inside the NEU, listen in as Associate Curator of Education for Academic Programs Kristen Lindberg discusses the museum’s role as a center of teaching and learning for the Purchase College community.
Learn how students from across campus engage with works in the collection and in the exhibitions on view. Hear how art history students work with museum staff to research and stage their own mini-exhibitions in the Open Classroom. And see how the Neuberger welcomes performing artists from campus to showcase their talents as dancers, musicians, and actors amidst the works of visual art.
(Click on video title to view in full screen mode)