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On-Campus Employment

General Information

“Employment” is any type of work performed or services provided in exchange for money, tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, food or any other benefits. If you receive no pay or other benefit for work performed, this activity is not defined as “employment” but is considered to be “unpaid” or “volunteer” work.

Students should consult a Designated School Official (DSO) in the Office for Global Education before starting on-campus employment. 

On-campus employment may start as soon the student reports to campus. It is limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week while school is in session, but may be full-time during official school breaks.

On-campus employment may be:

  • Work performed for a college office
  • Work performed for a commercial firm located on campus that provides direct services to students, such as dining services, the Performing Arts Center or Starbucks.
  • Work performed at an off-campus location which is educationally affiliated with the college or related to contractually funded research projects at the graduate level.

You may search for on-campus positions on JobScore, Purchase’s online job and internship search database. Look for ‘non-work-study’ or ‘student assistant’ positions. F-1 student are not eligible for work-study positions.


Helpful links:

ITIN, Social Security Numbers, and Taxes