backstory50: Featured Partnership: Neuberger Berman

In the 1950s, few outside the museum world could imagine going to the office every day and being surrounded by the work of some of the world’s most well-known—and emerging—contemporary artists. Unless, of course, you happened to have worked at Neuberger Berman. 

Long before he donated a portion of his collection to form the Neuberger Museum of Art, our founding patron, Roy R. Neuberger, was on a mission to support living artists. After spending a few years in Europe as a young man, Roy returned to New York determined to earn a living that would afford him the opportunity to purchase art. That led him to found the investment firm, Neuberger Berman, with Robert Berman, in 1939.

Contemporary art in the workplace has been part of Neuberger Berman’s culture ever since. While the portions of Roy’s collection that were once on view at Neuberger Berman are now in the collection of the Neuberger Museum of Art (with many of those on view in The Making of a Museum: 50 Years) the firm’s hallways, reception areas, and meeting rooms are still replete with works from its own collection of contemporary artists working today.

A book cover with a graphic layout of the letters m o d e r n along with When Modern Was Contemporary: The Roy R. Neuberger Collection.. Today’s golden anniversary thank-you goes to Neuberger Berman and the Neuberger Berman Foundation for their unwavering and steadfast support, partnership, and friendship to the NEU. Generous support from the firm and the Foundation have made possible so many of our exhibitions; lectures and education programs; the collection catalogue, When Modern Was Contemporary: The Roy R. Neuberger Collection; and the Roy R. Neuberger Collection Provenance Project.

We also express our heartfelt thanks to so many executives and staff of the firm who have provided their guidance and expertise to the Museum over the years. Together, we are continuing to steward Roy’s legacy.

Tracy Fitzpatrick
Director, Neuberger Museum of Art

Orange square with a white border and large numbers 50 with small letters neu overlapping the top of the 5 and the word Years beneath

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