backstory50: Creative aging

Last year the Neuberger Museum of Art initiated the NEU Vitality Art Workshops, a series of programs for members of our community who are over the age of 55.

Supported by E.A. Michelson Philanthropy, the program reframes the Museum’s relationship with older adults by focusing on their needs, desires, and capabilities rather than the limitations of older age, as has typically been the mode for past “senior” programming we’ve seen across other organizations. Our hands-on-intensive arts learning workshops promote creativity and community while also examining ageism—and promoting anti-ageism policies and behaviors—across the Museum. The Summer Workshop Series kicked off last week with classes on collage and sculpture; the next series will be announced soon. Learn how to get involved here.

Today’s 50th anniversary thank-you goes to E.A. Michelson Philanthropy for supporting these creative aging programs. Their support is fostering friendships and building supportive, art-minded communities here at the NEU and across the country. Also to Bliss Burrell, our Associate Educator and NEU Vitality Arts Grant Project Manager, for so thoughtfully creating and running this important program.

Read more from Bliss as she shares her thoughts about the program here.

Tracy Fitzpatrick
Director, Neuberger Museum of Art

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