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backstory: Nudging

I’ve been curating a lot lately, which is unusual. The nicest thing about it is that I get to spend a lot more time with objects than I normally do. That might sound odd cause I’m the director of a museum ... but directors don’t actually spend that much time with the objects because there are so many other things they need to do in order to run the organization.
Yesterday, I was working with the preparators to lay out one of our shows and I was moving pretty fast: pointing, placing, and nudging objects a few inches this way, a few inches that way. My decisions were quick. I’m not quite sure whether that’s because I had a lot of other things that I needed to do for the organization or because after 30 years of working in museums and, either watching others nudge objects or nudging them myself, I’m just a lot quicker at the nudging. Maybe a combination of both. Either way, it’s awful fun and also a privilege to be the one who gets to do the nudging.

Be well.

Tracy Fitzpatrick
Neuberger Museum of Art

Find me on Twitter @tracyfitzart