Sustainable Living on a Budget

Living sustainably can be associated with a high cost, however through resources at Purchase and the local community, green choices can be accessible and affordable.

Students should not have to choose between being environmentally conscious or being financially secure. These resources are meant to lead students to budget-friendly sustainable options.

Second Hand Items

Buying everyday items second hand instead of new saves money and avoids creating any unnecessary environmental impact. There are great options for getting second hand school supplies, clothes, household items, and more on campus and nearby.

Purchase Programs

FreeNew: Rather then sending unwanted but usable furniture, electronic equipment and other items to the landfill during move-out, FreeNew sheds are open to store items to dispense the next academic year. 

FreeStore: A “thrift store” for students that houses clothing, office and school supplies, kitchen items, etc. to take at no cost.

Local Thrift Stores

Salvation Army: The Salvation Army has programs that include financial assistance or food programs as well as a family store with clothes, appliances and furniture.

Goodwill: Goodwill has a variety of donated items including clothes or furniture at a discounted price.

Food and Health

Feeding your body and mind with quality, healthy ingredients can sometimes be a challenge on a budget. Many opportunities to exercise your body and mind in the great outdoors can sometimes feel unattainable. These resources can help you take care of yourself while respecting the planet.

Purchase Programs

On-Campus Food Pantry: The Food Pantry offers a variety of both perishable and non-perishable foods. It is located on the 1st Floor of the Library and is available to all students and staff. 

Mobile Food Pantry: The first Wednesday of every academic month the College has a Mobile Food Pantry dedicated to distributing foods such as baked goods, produce, meats, milk, etc. It is located in the parking lot outside Fort Awesome on Lincoln Avenue.

Wellness Center: Weekly (virtual) classes are hosted by the Wellness Center that are free to all students, staff and faculty. Some classes include yoga, meditation, pilates and others, all taught by certified instructors!

Purchase Campus: One of the most prominent features of Purchase is the 5K loop surrounding campus, used by our students, faculty staff and community members, is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. Aside from the Loop, there are also nature paths throughout the wooded areas on campus. 

Funding Opportunities

Lack of funding should never hold a great sustainability project back. Take advance of these funding opportunities that are meant to empower students interested in sustainability and advancing the well-being for those on campus.

GreenFee: GreenFee Grants are awarded on a rolling basis and are intended to provide funds to support sustainability initiatives that benefit students and advance campus sustainability.

Faculty Student Engagement Grants: To support faculty/staff initiatives that increase student engagement with the world beyond the classroom and offer them new venues for interacting with each other.