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backstory: backstory of the backstory

So… remember the picture of the Threnody studies I posted two weeks ago?
Well, this backstory is about the shadowy figure in that photo, reading the wall text that was about to be installed to accompany the studies installation. That person, who isn’t shadowy at all in real life, is Lois Bregstein. 

Lois has been a docent at the Museum for 45 years. Yes, 45 years! And throughout that time, she has worked with and helped train all—yes all—of our docents, toured many PK-12 and adult groups, and collaborated with Purchase College faculty and students. Currently, she is working with Ellen Brooks’ College Writing course.

If you’re asking yourself if Lois saw Threnody when it was first displayed, the answer is YES! 
Tracy Fitzpatrick
Director, Neuberger Museum of Art