Commons Apartments Complex S-Street Sprinkler Upgrades

Following the success of upgrades to K & P-Streets, this project will be installing sprinklers in the S-Street apartments.

Project Overview

The Phase II residences, also known as “The Commons” or “The New”, is a wood-framed apartment complex located on the northwest side of the campus, built in the early 1980, featuring apartment-style living.  The complex is composed of four buildings, K-Street, M-Street, P-Street, and S-Street.  Following a fire in K-Street, the college began the process of installing new sprinklers in the complex.

Sprinklers have been installed in both the K-Street and P-Street apartments over the last two summers.  This phase installed sprinklers in the S-Street apartments.  The last phase will be M-Street.  Both projects were completed in the summer of 2020.

Lead Agency:  Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

Design:  Cameron Engineering & Associates, P.C.

Contractor:  Niram

Budget:  $1.5 Million