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Repairs to PAC Exterior Stairs

Repairs and upgrades to the existing four exterior stairs that lead from the West 1 & 2 parking lots to the Main Plaza, including new steps, handrails, lighting and masonry restoration.

Project Update as of June 18, 2024

Construction is complete.   Punchlist work should be wrapping up in the next couple of weeks.  We are also looking into some leaks in the surrounding areas.

Project Overview

The existing stone and masonry steps on both the north and south sides of the Performing Arts Center, which lead from the West 1 & 2 parking lots up to the Main Plaza, are in a state of disrepair and are suffering from weather-related deterioration.

This project will address these issues by replacing the existing stairs with new poured concrete steps, new handrails, better lighting, and restoring the surrounding masonry walls.

Timeline:  Punchlist

Lead Agency:  Campus-Let

Design:  Grigg & Davis Engineers PC

Contractor: Nafees Construction Corporation

Budget: $1M

Project Photos