Roof Rehabilitation of Museum and Music Building

Replacement of existing roofs at the Neuberger Museum of Art and Music Building, to address leaks and envelope deterioration.

Project Overview

In a continuation of repairs and stabilization to the exterior of our buildings, we selected two more buildings for roof rehabilitation.  These building’s roofs had surpassed their warranties and suffered from a number of leaks and weather-related deterioration.

The Neuberger Museum of Art houses an impressive collection of art as well as exhibits various pieces throughout the year.  A recent project replaced the buildings windows and doors as well as addressed heating and cooling issues.  This project expanded upon that and helped in securing the building’s envelop. 

The Music Building’s roof was also in need of replacing and is part of a larger envisioned project to address masonry and fenestration issues.

This project allowed us to address a number of issues on both buildings, stop further deterioration, and helped in increasing overall building energy efficiency.

Lead Agency:  The State University Construction Fund

Design:  Lothrop Associates, LLP

Contractor:  Sea Breeze General Construction, Inc.

Budget:  $3.5 million