Outback Bathroom Rehabilitation Project

Renovating 91 bathrooms in Outback.

Project Overview

The residence hall referred to as ‘Outback’ is a four-story modular building built in 2001. It’s bathrooms have not been updated and are now suffering from aging fixtures, deteriorating waterproofing, and cracks and leaks in the walls and floors. This project will help address these issues and help prevent future interior damages to adjoining rooms.

The scope of work will include renovating (91) bathrooms in the building, replacing existing sinks, toilets, and shower enclosures, replace the aged and damaged floor and wall finishes, and upgrade lighting in these bathrooms to more energy efficient fixtures.

Since the work will be limited to just the summers, work is being planned in phases over the next four summers.

Lead Agency: DASNY

Design: Mach Architecture + Engineering, PC

Contractor: DIA General Construction

Budget / $

Project Photos