Are you planning an event? Please complete the form below to submit your event request. Please note: All events need to be approved by the chair.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required e-mail address field
required textarea field
Ex. “Reading and Conversation with…”
required date/time field
Date and Time of event*
required textarea field
Ex. Humanities Theater
checkbox field
Do guests need to RSVP?
required textarea field
Please write in account/fund name to be used for event.
textarea field
ex. Jewish Studies, Italics Mine, Asian Studies, etc. Please include any co-sponsoring organizations as well.
required textarea field
Please insert a brief description of event/lecturer. (Ex. Brief intro of lecturer to be put in the broadcast email; minimum of a paragraph)
required checkbox field
Has the location been booked on RoomBook?*
required checkbox field
Has the location been approved?*
If the location has not been approved, please go to
required checkbox field
Do you have equipment needs?*
if yes, please go to to request equipment.
required checkbox field
Would you need a Broadcast Email Message (BEM) created?*
required checkbox field
Should your event be listed as open to the public?*
All events open to the public require the Provost’s approval.
file attachment field
Please upload an image for the broadcast email.
(50 MB max)
textarea field
Please insert the text to be used in the BEM
file attachment field
(50 MB max)
textarea field