Identification Card (“More Card”) Policy
Identification Card (“More Card”) Policy
Policy Statement
Purchase College, State University of New York (SUNY) requires all employees, volunteers, contractors, retirees, and other individuals authorized to be on campus to carry a valid Purchase College identification card, also known as a “More Card,” on their person at all times to ensure the safety of the entire campus community. More Cards are provided for appropriate use of identification and access to services and College facilities.
More Cards will be issued to employees, volunteers, contractors, retirees, and other individuals authorized to be on campus. More Cards must be carried on their person at all times while in any campus location or outdoor facility and presented upon the request of an authorized Purchase College official, including but not limited to, University Police Officers, University Police personnel, or other staff authorized by Purchase College to supervise campus events, activities, and residence halls. Individuals may be required to reveal their faces to confirm identity. Prominently displaying your More Card is preferred and encouraged.
Your More Card is necessary to use various services and gain access to various facilities including but not limited to the fitness center, library rentals, technology equipment rentals, access to copy machines, Loop shuttle (space available), purchase tickets to the events at the PAC, etc.
Your More Card is non-transferable and is valid only as long as the cardholder continues their specific affiliation with the College. Intentional and deliberate refusal to present or surrender a More Card upon request by a Purchase College official; alteration or falsification of data on More Card; creation and/or distribution of falsified More Cards; using a More Card to impersonate others; or refusal to reveal one’s face to confirm identity; are violations of this Policy may result in referral to Human Resources.
The individual to whom the More Card is issued is entirely responsible for its use or misuse. Individuals must not lend their More Cards to any other persons. Purchase College is not liable for any charges or other damages incurred if a More Card is lost and used by another.
Upon completion of the personnel action form (PAF) or person data sheet (PDASH) submitted by the hiring department, a More Card will be available for the individual in the Parking & Card Office, located in Campus Center North.
It is the individual’s responsibility to obtain their More Card from the Parking & Card Office. A driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID must be submitted to the Parking & Card Office in order to receive a More Card. There is no fee for the More Card unless you are in need of a replacement. The More Card replacement fee is $25. Once a replacement card is given, it cannot be refunded, and an old card cannot be reactivated.
Lost or stolen More Cards should be reported to University Police in addition to the Parking & Card Office.
Upon separation from the College, More Cards must be returned to Human Resources or the supervisor.