Opioid Emergency Kits

NARCAN nasal spray (Naloxone) is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose emergency with signs of breathing problems and severe sleepiness or not being able to respond. For more information visit narcan.com.

Following current trends of the increase of opioid overdoses in Westchester County, research showing the use of NARCAN decreasing overdose deaths, and local communities proactively adding NARCAN kits to various locations, SUNY Purchase will have emergency NARCAN stations placed strategically on-campus. Through the Department of Health, this initiative will be free of cost to SUNY Purchase.

This is a collaboration between the following campus offices/departments and community organizations: C.A.R.E. Team, Environmental Health and Safety, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Counseling & Behavioral Health Services, Student Health Services, Purchase Student Government Association, NYS University Police Department (NYSUPD), and Westchester Department of Health.

NARCAN kits will be placed in each Resident Assistant Office and the Stood. The initiative is likely to expand as we work with the Department of Health. All campus emergency response information identifies NYSUPD Officers as the point people for overdose medical emergencies and NARCAN kits.

Confidential Campus Support Services

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