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Appointment Types (UUP)

Appointment Types

In accordance with the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees Policies and the United University Professionals (UUP) agreement Purchase College recognizes several different appointment types for faculty and staff.

Appointments types can be found in the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees Policies – Article XI. There are 3 appointment types for faculty and 3 appointment types for staff. Below are the types of appointments and their definitions.

Faculty appointments:

  • Temporary – A temporary appointment ordinarily is given only when service is to be part-time, voluntary, replacing someone on leave, or anticipated for a period of one year or less. Temporary appointments can be terminated at any time.
  • Term – A term appointment is an appointment for a specified period of not more than three years, which shall automatically expire at the end of that period unless terminated earlier because or resignation, retirement, or termination.
  • Continuing – A continuing appointment, commonly known as tenured appointment, is an appointment to an academic rank that will continue until resignation, retirement, or termination.

Staff Appointment:

  • Temporary – A temporary appointment ordinarily is given only when service is to be part-time, voluntary, replacing someone on leave, or anticipated for a period of one year or less. Temporary appointments can be terminated at any time.
  • Term – A term appointment is an appointment for a specified period of not more than three years, which shall automatically expire at the end of that period unless terminated earlier because or resignation, retirement, or termination.
  • Permanent – A permanent appointment is an appointment that will continue until a change in such title, resignation, retirement or termination. Please note that professional staff serving in Appendix A, B, or C titles are not eligible for permanent appointment.

Questions regarding these appointments may be directed to the Department of Human Resources, 914-251- 6090.

The latest version of the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees Policies can be accessed via the following SUNY website link: SUNY Board of Trustees.