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CSEA - Classified Service Administrative Policies - Facilities Management Department


CSEA Classified Service Administrative Policies – Facilities Management Department 

Essential Personnel

All classified employees assigned to Grounds, Custodial, Heating/Plumbing, Electrical, Automotive, Residential Facilities and Maintenance Trades Departments are deemed by the College as part of its essential services.  Essential personnel provide support to the campus community as part of their job responsibilities and are required to report to work as scheduled in an emergency.  Essential personnel may be required to work mandatory overtime as part of an emergency and you may be directed to remain at work or be called in early based on the operational needs of the College.  Emergencies may include, but are not limited to, weather related events such as snowstorms or hurricanes; power outages; campus operational incidents; or other emergency, including a governmentally declared emergency.  Failure to comply with essential personnel requirements, as well as directives from management, may result in lost pay and could also result in disciplinary action.

/ Sign-Out / Daily Meal and Break Periods

CSEA Facilities employees must sign in immediately upon their arrival at work.  When signing in or out, use the next available line on the sign in/out sheet and accurately record the time.  Do not leave lines blank.  It is the responsibility of the supervisor and/or the department head to establish the scheduled times during which meal and break periods can be taken.  CSEA Facilities employees are not to leave their assigned work area prior to the meal or break period times and are to return to their assigned work post promptly at the end of each time period.  These meal and break period times are to be followed daily unless you are directed otherwise or receive permission for a change in times from senior management of the Facilities Management department.  The daily meal period for an employee who is working six (6) hours or more must be of at least one-half hour duration.

Breaks, when granted, should be of a reasonable duration.  As a guide, more than two 15-minute breaks per 7.5 or 8 hour workday would be considered excessive.  Employees who do not take meal and/or breaks are not permitted to either shorten the workday or to receive any form of overtime compensation or compensatory time off.  Also, break periods are not to be taken in conjunction with meal periods.  Breaks during periods of overtime are subject to the discretion of management.

Absences – (Definitions)

  • Scheduled Absence: Time off requested in advance and approved by your supervisor using appropriate leave credits.
  • Unscheduled Absence: An absence not requested and not approved in advance, such as sick day, inclement weather, transportation, personal, their or family emergency, etc. 
  • Unauthorized Absence: Failure of an employee to appear for a regularly scheduled work assignment or to notify a supervisor/designee of the employee’s inability to work (no call/no show, late call-in) within the established time frames.  This type of absence may result in lost pay and may also result in disciplinary action. 

Time Off Requests

When requesting any time off, including a partial day, CSEA Facilities employees are required to complete a Time-Off Request form and submit it to their supervisor.  If your immediate supervisor is not available at the time of submission, the form must be submitted to the next available supervisor/unit head.  If you are not sure who your next available supervisor/unit head is, you should ask your current supervisor upon receipt of this document.  Requests to use accrued vacation, personal, or banked holiday time, must be submitted with as much advance notice as possible but no less than 1 day in advance.  Time-Off Requests are subject to the operational needs of the facility and must be approved by the supervisor in advance of taking the time off. 

While efforts are made to accommodate time off requests, there are certain times of the year when adequate staffing must be ensured in order to meet the increased operational needs of the college and campus community.  Requests for time off during these times require a higher level of scrutiny and will be approved only to the extent practicable in light of the needs of the department to provide required services.  These times include:

  • On or around the start of the Fall Semester
  • On or around the start of the Spring Semester

All Time Off Request forms submitted by the employee will be answered within five (5) working days (preferably sooner) of receipt by your supervisor.  Please do not make or purchase any transportation arrangements such as airline tickets, etc. and/or book hotel accommodations until you have received approval of your time off request.

Unscheduled Absences

Employees absent due to an unexpected and unavoidable emergency situation must make every effort to notify their supervisor prior to the start of the shift but no later than two hours after the start of the scheduled workday.  If you are unable to speak to your supervisor, you must leave a voicemail message on the supervisor’s phone.  Shift workers may be required to call prior to the beginning of the shift unless other arrangements have been made with the supervisor.  Calling in provides your supervisor with the information necessary to schedule the workday but does not automatically create an approval to charge leave accruals.

Tardiness / Requests to Leave Early

Employees are expected to be at their workstation and ready to work at the time their shift begins.  If you are going to be late, you must call (914) 251-6920 before the start of your shift, but no later than two hours after the start of your scheduled workday, and advise your supervisor why you will be late (excluding medical information) and when you expect to be in.

If you need to leave work before the end of your shift for other than a medical emergency, you must receive advance permission from your supervisor to do so.  As with lateness, it will be at the discretion of your supervisor as to how the missed time is charged (accrued vacation time, personal time, holiday time, or non-paid).

Time missed due to tardiness or early departure cannot be made up by working through breaks, meal breaks, or beyond the scheduled end of the shift.

Personal Calls

Personal calls during work time are not permitted except for urgent situations. Use of personal cell phones is limited to scheduled breaks and/or lunch periods. College-owned cell phones assigned to Department employees are only to be used to conduct official College business when the employee is away from their desk without access to a desktop phone.  Employees with College-owned cell phones are required to reimburse the College for personal calls made on the cell phone and desktop phone assigned to the employee.

Updated January 23, 2020