Withdrawal from the College

Students intending to withdraw from Purchase College should comply with the following procedures, which are designed to ensure a smooth flow of information regarding a student’s departure, to assess data regarding withdrawal, and to minimize potential problems in the event of readmission:

  1. All required forms must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before leaving the campus.
  2. Purchase identification cards must be returned to the More Card Office.
  3. Keys to residence hall rooms or apartments must be returned to the Office of Residential and Student Life. All other keys must be returned to the appropriate building manager.
  4. Refunds are based on the refund schedule published by the Office of Student Financial Services. Refunds on residence assignments are based on the date that students vacate their housing assignment and return their keys. Refunds on meal plans are calculated from the date students return their identification card.
  5. Students on academic probation at the time of withdrawal will have that status noted on their transcript.
  6. Students who transfer to another college are required to withdraw from Purchase College. Any matriculated student who does not register and does not notify the Office of the Registrar of his or her withdrawal from Purchase College will be administratively withdrawn by the registrar.
  7. Withdrawal affects the repayment of educational loans and disbursements of student aid funds. Students who receive financial aid and/or have taken out educational loans must consult with the Office of Student Financial Services, (914) 251-6080, before withdrawing.
  8. Academic dismissal will supersede any withdrawal.