Dean’s List

Students in the following programs who achieve the specified grade point averages (GPAs) are awarded the honor of Dean’s List, which is recorded on the student’s transcript. These GPAs are based on at least 12 credits graded A+ through F; grades of P, S, NC, UP, SP, CR, and INC do not apply. Students who earn a grade of UP or NP are ineligible.

  • BA and BS programs: A semester GPA of 3.50 is required.
  • BFA and MusB programs: A semester GPA of 3.75 is required.

Dean’s List students are notified by the Office of Communication & Creative Services after all Incomplete grades have been resolved for the previous semester (typically 6-8 weeks after the semester ends). We notify students and their communities of this achievement is in three ways: an email goes to you and your parent or guardian, Purchase sends a notification to your hometown newspaper, and you are added to the Purchase College “merit pages.” 

For inquiries about the dean’s list, students should contact:

Carolyn Scofield

Assistant to the Director of Student Advising and Academic Support

Jennifer Shingelo
Director of Student Advising and Academic Support