Our Hours Today:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Group Counseling

Counseling & Behavioral Health Supportive Groups for Spring 2024

Days and times based on enrollment. Call (914) 251-6390 for info on how to share your availability! Office Hours: M-F, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Some groups require a meeting with the group leader. Please email those leaders or call to meet and discuss.

  • Anxiety & Self-Compassion: with Joe. Use new thinking skills and Mindfulness practice to reduce negative self-talk. Call for appointment to discuss or email Joseph.cloidt@Purchase.edu.
  • The Empowerment Story Seekers: a group for students who have survived sexual abuse or assault. A safe space for healing and growth. Call for appointment to discuss or email Catherine.vanbomel@purchase.edu.
  • Knit, Crochet, Relax: Support Group. Fridays, 4-5 p.m. at the Lighthouse Lounge Rm. 138 in Fort Awesome, with Shanaz. Bring what supplies you have, some yarn is available to share.
  • Mending Thoughts: for Women of Color, with Denika. To discuss, call or contact Denika.Desert@purchase.edu.
  • Process Groups: with similar folks, use therapy skills to expand your understanding of self and your interactions with others, in the moment. Call or email for appointment to discuss with leader Shanaz at Shanaz.Moudud@purchase.edu.
  • Internal Family Systems Group, with Joe. Explore roles, interpersonal dynamics, and aspects of Self in an evidence-based group treatment modality. Joseph.cloidt@Purchase.edu

*Please note that some groups require a brief information meeting with the group leader first. Some groups will set meeting times based on student availability and others are fixed. Please contact the Counseling Center at (914) 251-6390 to express interest or for more information.