Our Hours Today:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For Faculty and Staff

For an urgent consultation or to request an outreach to a student, please call our Center (914-251-6390). Our professional staff will respond ASAP.

Faculty and staff have the unique opportunity of ongoing direct contact with students.

They are often in the position to identify struggling individuals who could benefit from the help available on campus.
Providing assistance to students via referrals and consultation with the Counseling Center staff can be a rapid way to address a variety of problems. It’s important for faculty and staff members to be aware of campus resources and how these work—becoming the main source of support for a troubled student may prove overwhelming or nonproductive in the long term.
The following information provides guidelines on when and how to refer students.

Please note: Any contact that we may have with students following their referral will be kept confidential in order to protect the rights and privacy of our students.

Please contact the Counseling Center if you would like a presentation regarding referrals or interventions in your area.
See the Jed Foundations Faculty Guide to Supporting Student Mental Health for other tips.