The Global Studies BA prepares you to engage with the world as a global citizen.
Why Global Studies?
We live in an increasingly global world, which requires an equally global-minded workforce with dynamic multidisciplinary and intercultural competency. Develop global competence and the life skills needed to address far-reaching contemporary issues and their implications for our future.
Think Big
Global in scope regarding world regions and culture, but also in subject matter, Global Studies addresses critical topics like food, water, health, migration, or energy that affect populations worldwide.
What’s Global Is Local
As you consider large-scale issues in places all over the world, you’ll learn how they connect to local issues that affect you and those around you. Apply the crucial management and leadership skills you’ll build to make an impact.
Uncertain About Your Major?
Global Studies encourages you to explore more than one subject. Dip into different majors, learn to appreciate diverse worldviews, and explore topics from varying traditions that cross time and space.
Minors Add Context
We encourage students to declare a minor in one of four programs in particular: Political Science, History, Language and Culture, or Economics. Or others that you find compelling.
Transfer Friendly
We aim to maintain flexibility and offer online course options.
What Is Global Competence?
Global competence is the ability to critically examine local, global, intercultural, and interdisciplinary complexity and interconnectivity; to appreciate and apply varying worldviews and perspectives; and to constructively engage with people different than ourselves.
(OECD, 2018)
Career Focus: The Capstone
As you culminate your studies, you’ll consolidate your skills and develop a signature capstone project. Using select research methods, you’ll make connections across disciplines to explore a relevant topic of your choice.
You’ll develop a carefully curated ePortfolio that showcases your work, talent, and training as you prepare for employment or advanced study.
Global Studies Requirements
See how you’ll progress through the program.