Mandatory Reporting

Purchase College expects each employee of the college to report any possible Title IX violation to the Title IX coordinator and/or their supervisor within 24 hours of receiving notification of the alleged violation.

Below is a list of employees responsible for Title IX compliance. These individuals are mandated to report possible Title IX violations to the Title IX office. These employees include but are not limited to the following:

  • Title IX Investigator and Coordinator
  • Community Standards Administrators
  • Resident Assistants
  • Residence Coordinators
  • Coaches and Athletics Staff
  • All Supervisors
  • Faculty (including Part Time Adjunct Faculty)

In accordance with the current United University Professions (UUP) contract, which states, “all Bargaining Unit Members [faculty and staff] shall report instances where the Bargaining Unit Member witnesses, or a student discloses to the Bargaining Unit Member, a crime covered under the Clery Act 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f) and/or discloses sexual or interpersonal violence or harassment on the basis of sex or gender as prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.”

For the complete language of Appendix A-5 of the UUP contract, as well as a list of covered Clery Act crimes, please refer to the current United University Professions contract.

The college has a duty to investigate any claim of discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, so while only certain personnel are mandated to report, all members of the college community are expected and strongly encouraged to report such issues. Reporting ensures that all Purchase College community members will be offered prompt care from professional staff members trained in crisis response and able to assist with the full range of administrative, judicial, legal, and support options.


Please note that staff within the Counseling Center, Wellness Center, Health Services, and established victims assistance centers are confidential resources. They are exempt from any obligatory Title IX reporting. These employees should seek the consent of complainants and victims to share certain limited information with the Title IX coordinator for the purpose of tracking and pattern spotting, and should work with the Title IX coordinator to make sure that complainants are given all of the appropriate information about available remedies and resources.