Our Hours Today:

Contractor Safety

Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) excellence is priority number one on the Purchase College campus.

One of our objectives is an increased focus on EHS which includes awareness and compliance. In an ongoing effort to align contractors and subcontractors with the College’s EHS program, an “Environmental, Health & Safety Contractor Guidelines” brochure has been developed. This brochure provides an overview of requirements for working safely that must not be overlooked. It is not intended to include all, or supersede any regulatory standards nor is it intended to provide required EHS training. All applicable regulatory requirements must be consulted for task-based specifics.

All sections in this guide apply to contractor work activities under the control of SUNY Purchase College working on the campus. Application is extended to all subcontractors as well.

All contractors will implement EHS procedures at least as stringent as applicable regulatory requirements.

Purchase College will periodically check contractor activity for compliance.