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First Destination

The Life after Purchase: First Destination Survey is conducted annually following commencement to determine graduate postgraduate employment, graduate school enrollment, career-related activity, and overall career outcome for the Class of 2023.

Life After Purchase 2023

For this year’s graduating class, close to 90%  were found to have positive career outcomes including employment and enrollment in graduate or professional school or both, or are engaged in independent creative ventures, as noted at the time of the annual survey.  87% are employed only and 12% were enrolled in graduate or professional programs and not also employed. 23% were found to be enrolled in graduate or professional school while also employed.

Total Employment by School or Conservatory

89% School of the Arts
76% School Liberal Arts and Sciences

Additional Outcomes

23% enrolled in graduate or professional school
86.5% are employed full-time or part-time including self-employment, performance, or artistic freelancing.
70% are employed in a field directly or somewhat related to their academic study

Career Preparation

  • 92% reported participation in applied or experiential learning with 18% more engaged in high-impact learning activities than last year’s graduates, including internships, career-related senior projects, service learning, and research. 
  • Of those graduates participating in one or more forms of applied learning, 86% are also employed,  an increase of 5%, and those admitted to graduate school with applied learning experience increased by 17% at 35%.
  • Of the graduates employed full-time, 80% also used the Career Development Center. 33.5% of those employed, reported finding their first positions through resources or programs attributed to the Career Center.

Career Industries where Graduates are Employed

Fields Percentage
Arts Mgmt/Entertainment/Visual Arts 36.5%
Education/Human Services  25%
Business 11%
Media Arts & Communication 11%
Science, Technology, and Environment 6.8%
Healthcare and Health Services 5.2%
Public Services and Law  3.5%

Career Fields by Job Title Where Graduates Found Employment

Fields Percentage
Arts/Entertainment/Visual Arts 29%
Education/Human Service




Media Arts/Communications 11%
Art Management/Administration 8%



Healthcare/Health Services


Public Service/Law


Graduate and Professional School Fields of Study

Fields Percentage
Arts Performance/Visual Arts/Arts Management 31%
Psychology/Counseling/Social Work/Education 23%
Health Services 11.4%
Law & Legal Services 11.4%
Communications & Media 8.6%
Humanities 8.6%
Other 5.24%

Close to 70% of the graduates reported their employment to be directly or somewhat related to their academic studies, particularly when there is an emphasis on career readiness and experiential education.  Academic areas integrate career readiness preparation as a practical, valued part of their curricula, including skill-building projects, internships, and career/academic interest-related senior projects. 

92% of the graduates reported engagement in experiential learning and high-impact activities including internships, service learning, career-related senior projects, research, and leadership programs. Of those who engaged in at least one form of applied learning while in college, 86% are also now employed. 

Life After Purchase First Destination Survey 

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