Fatoumata Fadiga
Selected as a Future Nobel Laureate Scholar
Fatoumata Fadiga ’24 (Political Science) was initially drawn to Purchase College after being selected for the Global Scholars Program. The scholarship award granted helped to mitigate the cost of her college education and, as a member of Global Scholars, Fatoumata considers herself to be a humanist and global citizen.
“I cared about global issues, deciphering them and how I can make a difference. Therefore, there is no better platform than Global Scholars that brought my concern to the public’s view. Secondly, after an inspiring conversation with Dr. Anne Kern, Dean of the Global Strategy and International Programs, I was delighted by her sense of cordiality, and respect. As a result of all of this, I decided to go to Purchase.”
The Purchase Experience:
Her experiences thus far have been very enthusiastic and welcoming. Fatoumata has made great connections with faculty and staff and loves the rapport she has built from engaging with the community.
Fatoumata mentioned that, ‘home is where your heart is’ and asserted that Purchase has come to hold a special place in her heart as a home away from home.
Campus Hot Spots:
Fatoumata’s favorite place to roam on campus is the Humanities building. As a Political Science major, she has many courses and meetings with faculty in this space and in her own words,
“The Humanities Building is one of my favorite spots on campus because of the calmness, freshness of plants and vibes around the building.”
Memories That Stick:
Last year, Fatoumata was recognized as a Future Nobel Laureate Scholar by demonstrating academic excellence and a dedication to our campus community. As a Nobel Laureate, students participate in the annual Nobel Week Dialogue, a conference that convenes some of the world’s leading scientists, policymakers, and thinkers discussing issues that matter to the globe.
“Attending the Nobel Dialogue in the bitter cold of Sweden, surrounded by highly eloquent scientists such as Abdulrazak Gurnah (Lit Laureates 2021), Frances Arnold (Chemistry Laureate 2018) Steven Chu (Physics Laureate 1997), Serge Haroche (Physics Laureate 2012), and Paul Nurse (Medicine Laureate 2001) discussing “What is the Future of Life” has spurred me to expand my knowledge about interculturalism/ interconnectedness.”
The Senior Project:
Fatoumata has already started to work on her Senior Project. This past spring semester, she served as a teacher’s aide for Professor Diana Cassells for the course Globalization, Poverty and Development. As a result of the course, her great passion for global affairs has been further developed and so she intends to conduct further research on the relationship between China and Zambia and the rise of globalization.
Life After Purchase:
As a future alumnae of Purchase College, Fatoumata feels she will leave her mark as an exclusive scholar of the Future Nobel Laureates. This unique achievement is made more impressive by the fact that Fatoumata is also a first generation, foreign student whose second language is English.
Fatoumata suggests that future Purchase bound students adopt the mindset of a famous quote by J.S Mill,
“No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible, until a great change takes place in the fundamental constitution of their modes of thought.”
*Quotes edited for grammar and clarity.