Donna Cornachio
Assistant Professor of Journalism
Donna Cornachio’s career in journalism spans nearly 30 years. After devoting several years in broadcast at WCBS News, she turned to print, reporting and writing profiles, news, and feature articles and essays for the New York Times, Newsweek, and the Washington Post.
Donna is currently the communications specialist at Clarity Media Group in New York. The depth of her reporting experience gives her a keen insight into how all forms of media work, a valuable asset as she prepares authors for print and broadcast media opportunities. Some of the authors she has worked with at Clarity are Diane Keaton (Then Again), Susan Cain (Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can‘t Stop Talking), Honorée Fanonne Jeffers (The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois) and Iuliia Mendel (The Fight of Our Lives: My Time with Zellenskyy, Ukraine’s Battle for Democracy and What It Means for the World). She has also done speech and presentation training for Teach for America, the Bob Woodruff Foundation, and Girls, Inc. Each year Donna works closely with the student chosen to be Purchase College’s senior commencement speaker on the content and delivery of that student’s speech.
Donna earned her BA at New York University and her master’s degree at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.