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July 27, 2020: Disposable Glove Use Information

Disposable Glove Use

Gloves act as a barrier and are designed to protect against skin contact, absorption, and physical hazards such as cuts and abrasions.

If the task you are performing requires wearing gloves, keep in mind that although skin may be protected, the gloves may be contaminated.  Never touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth with gloved hands.  Doing so may expose you to the contaminant on the glove.  This applies to cleaning and disinfecting chemicals as well as infectious agents such as viruses and bacteria.

When to Wear Gloves

For the general public, wearing gloves is not necessary in most situations, like running errands.  CDC recommends wearing gloves when you are cleaning or caring for someone who is sick.

When you are routinely cleaning and disinfecting your home or residence

  • Follow precautions listed on all cleaning and disinfecting product labels, which may include
    • Wearing gloves (reusable or disposable).
    • Having good ventilation by turning on a fan or opening a window to get fresh air into the room you’re cleaning.
  • Wash your hands immediately after you have removed the gloves.

If you are providing care to someone who is sick at home or in another non-healthcare setting

  • Use disposable gloves when cleaning and disinfecting the area around the person who is sick or other surfaces that may be frequently touched in the home.
  • Use disposable gloves when touching or having contact with another person’s blood or body fluids.
  • After using disposable gloves, throw them out in a lined trash can.  Do not disinfect or reuse the gloves.
  • Wash your hands immediately after you have removed the gloves.

When Gloves Aren’t Needed

Wearing gloves outside of the instances described above (for example, when using a shopping cart or using an ATM) will not necessarily protect you from getting COVID-19 and may still lead to the spread of germs.

Protect yourself in other ways

COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and is mainly spread through droplets created when a person who is infected coughs, sneezes, or talks.

The best way to protect yourself from germs when running errands is to  wear a face covering in the presence of others. Immediately after returning from being out, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Glove Use in the Workplace

The decision to wear gloves in non-healthcare settings will be based on an assessment of hazards in a particular department. If deemed necessary, the appropriate glove will be selected.

(Source: CDC)