Conduct Abroad
As a guest in a foreign country, you go abroad as an ambassador for Purchase College. Your attitude, interactions, and presence abroad will speak volumes about you and about us. Resolve to develop understanding and show respect for the culture you are visiting, and you are more likely to have a positive experience abroad.
All students studying abroad, whether on Purchase programs or other SUNY programs, are expected to abide by the code of conduct as expressed in the SUNY Agreement and Acceptance of Risk for Study Abroad (AAR) that is signed after being accepted to any study abroad program. It is also expected that students will respect the norms of the host culture with regard to behavior and dress and will obey host country laws as well as all policies and regulations of the host institution.
If you are involved in an illegal activity in a foreign country, the United States government cannot offer you any protection. Should you encounter legal difficulties, however, contact the nearest consulate for assistance. Check the U.S. State Department website for Foreign Consular Office for the listings of Embassies and Consulates in the countries you plan to visit. The U.S. consular officer can provide you with a list of local attorneys and can contact your family or friends. Consular officials cannot intercede with local authorities on your behalf.
Travel abroad is always an adventure. A common-sense approach to the risks involved goes a long way toward assuring safe travel and positive memories.
If at any time you feel that you are in a genuinely bad situation and you are unable to contact the site location personnel, please contact Purchase College’s Office for Global Education (OGE) immediately at (914) 251-6032. After business hours or on weekends, please call the Purchase College University Police at (914) 251-6900; they will get you in touch with a member of our OGE office or the administration.
Note: More detailed and country-specific information will be available in the handbook you will receive during your Pre-Departure Orientation.