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backstory: AAMD

It’s a privilege to be a member of the Association of Art Museum Directors and to attend its conferences every year, as I did last week. 
Among the array of lectures and conversations there was a talk by Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, which just opened The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration in April.  If you ever have the opportunity to hear Stevenson talk, run, don’t walk. Best, most inspirational talk I’ve ever heard. Ever. 
Tracy Fitzpatrick

Director, Neuberger Museum of Art

P.S. One of the best things about attending is seeing my fellow directors, especially those from other academic museums. We have a special kind of bond because the work we do—teaching every next generation about art—is so special. Here’s a handful of things going on at some of their museums around the country:

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Colby Museum of Art at Colby College

The Henry Art Gallery at the University of Washington

Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami

Spencer Museum of Art at The University of Kansas

Yale University Art Gallery