Medical Leave of Absence

Taking a Medical Leave of Absence from Purchase College

Additional information on official withdrawal and leaves of absence, including links to the needed forms, is available under Leaves and Withdrawals for the Office of the Registrar.  

Medical Leave of Absence

A medical leave can be taken for issues of a medical nature (i.e., injury, illness, substance-related issues, mental health issues, etc.). In order to take a medical leave, you must submit supporting documentation. Acceptable documentation would be a letter or note from your physician, psychologist, or counselor, on their letterhead, which indicates the following: (1) the reason you are requesting a medical leave, including your diagnosis; (2) the date of initial treatment; (3) the dates of subsequent treatment (if applicable); and (4) the expected semester of recovery.

If your request is related to a mental health and/or substance related condition, you must schedule an appointment (health permitting) and submit documentation to the Counseling and Behavioral Health Services (located in the Humanities Building, Basement Level, Room 0009). For specific questions, contact the Counseling Center at (914) 251-6390.

If your request is related to any other medical condition, including a traumatic injury, accident, or illness, you must schedule an appointment (health permitting) and submit documentation to Student Health Services (located in Campus Center South, Lower Level). For specific questions, contact Student Health Services at (914) 251-6380.

Medical leaves of absence are effective on the date that the completed, signed form is received at the Office of Student Affairs. This effective date is used for calculating billing and refunds, and for assessing financial liability.

While we realize that there may be extenuating exceptions, deadlines for mid-semester medical leaves are as follow:

  • Before November 15 for fall semesters
  • Before April 15 for spring semesters
  • The same as the withdrawal deadline for summer and winter sessions

Students who choose to take a medical leaves of absence will be encouraged to prioritize their health and well-being over their academic pursuits. However, students should remain mindful that there are several implications of medical leaves. These include, but may not be limited to:

  • Grades: Students who take mid-semester approved medical leaves are given W grades for the remainder of the semester.  The W grade applies to all courses.
  • Financial: Students requesting a medical leave should be aware of the refund deadlines for financial liability of the cost of tuition, fees, meals, and housing as well as other financial implications of withdrawing with regard to financial aid. Leaves and withdrawals are effective on the date that the completed, signed form is received at the Office of Student Affairs. This effective date is used for calculating billing and refunds, and for assessing financial liability.

Registration while on Medical Leave of Absence:

Students on medical leaves may be eligible to register for campus housing and for classes based on their completed credits during the time of their leave. To be eligible for pre-registration, the student must have their treatment provider submit a preliminary letter that indicates that the student is currently undergoing treatment and is expected to be able to return to active student status for the semester in question (i.e., summer, fall, spring). That letter should be submitted by the treatment provider to either Health Services or Counseling and Behavioral Health Services – whichever department originally recommended the medical leave. Once the letter is received, the student will receive an email communication from the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs or designee informing the student of the date(s) that the account hold will be lifted to allow for registration. Following registration, the hold will be replaced on the student’s account pending final re-entry assessment clearance as outlined below. In the event that the student does not return through the process or is denied reentry through the process, the student will be deregistered as follows:

  • May 5 for summer session courses
  • August 10 for fall semester courses
  • December 10 for winter semester courses
  • January 10 for spring semester courses 

Return from Medical Leave of Absence:

Although a request for return will be assessed whenever requested by a student, a medical leave is generally for a period of no less than six months. If a medical leave is needed for more than a year, a request for an extension must be made in writing by the student for the subsequent year. Please note that a return from a medical leave of absence requires approval from the Office of Student Affairs following a re-entry assessment process.

All requests for returns from leaves must be received by the Friday of the first week in August or the Friday of the first week in January prior to the first day of classes in a new semester. The re-entry process can be scheduled as follows:

  • After April 15 for summer session returns
  • After July 15 for fall semester returns
  • After December 1 for winter session returns
  • After December 15 for spring semester returns

For specific questions related to returning from a mental health and/or substance-related medical leave, contact Counseling and Behavioral Health Services at (914) 251-6390. For specific questions related to returning from any other medical condition, contact Health Services at (914) 251-6380.

When choosing to return, students should remain mindful that:

  • In reviewing requests for return from medical leave, we look for evidence that the issues that led to your inability to perform have been addressed. Specifically, evidence that you have maintained stability and demonstrated follow-through with treatment for a sufficient period of time to enable you to be a successful student. Additionally, evidence of productive functioning (i.e., employment, volunteerism, etc.) is looked upon favorably. In order to be approved for return, you must have complied with any recommendations given to you for treatment at the time of your medical leave.
  • If you are planning to live on campus, please note that on-campus housing is limited and is not guaranteed for students returning from medical leaves of absence. Although students returning from medical leaves receive priority for housing, there is no guarantee that housing will be provided. Therefore, it is in your best interest to complete your return as close to the above dates as possible. Students returning from leave should explore off-campus options in case campus housing is unavailable. Please contact the Office of Residential and Student Life at (914) 251-6320 or for specific information related to on-campus housing.
  • If you have not returned from or re-applied to extend your medical leave, you will be administratively withdrawn from the college after one year and will need to apply for readmission to the college if you choose to return at a later date.