Institutional Response to Alcohol and Other Drugs/Biennial Review

President’s Message

Dear Purchase College Community,

The College is committed to providing a learning environment which is healthy and productive and which supports the intellectual, aesthetic, physical and social development of individual students. In compliance with the Federal Drug Free School and Communities Act of 1989, this brochure sets forth the policies and standards of conduct which will be assigned for violation of these policies, but it also provides information concerning the availability of counseling and treatment possibilities for those in difficulty. I am asking for your help and cooperation. I hope you will read this booklet, abide by the regulations, and join me in my commitments to creating a productive, drug-free learning and living environment.

Dennis Craig,
Interim President


Purchase College is committed to developing and maintaining the health, stability, and well being of the collegiate learning environment. The college considers possession, use, sale, and/or other distribution of illegal drugs to be detrimental to the individual student and to the educational process. In addition, the college considers underage use and/or possession of alcohol and supplying/selling alcohol to those under the legal drinking age to be detrimental to the individual student and to the educational process.

  1. The use of illegal drugs is a threat to the health of the individual and also interferes with the efficient pursuit of individual educational goals.
  2. The presence of illegal drugs is detrimental to the entire educational community. Their presence interferes with the educational, developmental, and creative process.
  3. Possession, use, sale or other distribution of illegal drugs violates federal, state, and local laws. The college expects adherence to these laws. No special exemption from civil or criminal law exists for members of a college community.
  4. Underage possession/use of alcohol, and sale or other distribution of alcohol to those under the legal drinking age violates federal, state, and local laws. The college expects adherence to these laws. No special exemption from civil or criminal law exists for members of a college community.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy


New York State Prohibits on-the-job use or impairment from alcohol and controlled substances. An employee may be required to undergo medical testing if a supervisor has a reasonable suspicion that he or she is unable to perform duties due to the use of drugs or alcohol.

The unlawful use, possession, dispensing, manufacturing, or distribution of controlled substances in all college work locations is prohibited. Employees who unlawfully use, possess, dispense, manufacture, or distribute controlled substances will be subject to disciplinary procedures consistent with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and collective bargaining agreements. Employees must notify the college’s Personnel Office of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, or at a work site, no later than five (5) working days after such conviction.


If the cause of the work impairment is found to be drug or alcohol related, the Director of Human Resources in conjunction with the employee’s supervisor, may refer the employee to voluntary and confidential participation in the statewide Employee Assistance Program. Other available options include pursuing disciplinary leave procedures or other disciplinary measures.

Violations of the State policy on alcohol and other substance abuse in the workplace may constitute grounds for disciplinary action pursuant to Section 75 of the Civil service Law or the Disciplinary Articles of collectively negotiated agreements.

Congress passed the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. The following is the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for employees and students at Purchase College. The term “controlled substances” as used herein refers to the hundreds of chemicals listed by the federal government in the Controlled Substance Act.


No person shall possess, use, sell, or in any other way distribute narcotics, hallucinogens, or controlled substances.

The use, sale, or possession of any drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to water pipes, bongs, and hypodermic syringes/needles not prescribed by a licensed physician will be subject to confiscation and disciplinary action.

Alcohol Policy

No person shall possess, sell, or give away alcoholic beverages without proper authorization in any building or on any property owned or controlled by Purchase College. Alcohol is permitted in students’ rooms within some residence halls and apartments if at least one resident of the room is over the legal drinking age, provided that no person under the age of 21 possesses or consumes said alcoholic beverages. Open containers may not be possessed anywhere on campus outside of individual residences unless so authorized in accordance with College regulations, local ordinances, and State law. Kegs and beer balls are not permitted in the residence areas and will be confiscated. The college holds persons responsible for their conduct at all times, including behaviors which occur under the influence of alcohol, and persons violating these policies will be subject to disciplinary action.


  1. University Police Officers are authorized to arrest violators of alcohol and/or drug laws. If conditions warrant, the college may ask assistance of other law enforcement or investigative agencies. These agencies also have the legal right to operate on the campus without consulting the college. The college cannot and will not shield violators of alcohol and/or drug laws from law enforcement agencies.
  2. Violations of these policies will result in disciplinary and/or administrative action, as well as criminal prosecution whenever feasible. Campus disciplinary action will be taken through the appropriate administrative discipline processes for employees and for students. Consequences may include termination or dismissal.
  3. The college provides confidential counseling, educational programs, and other services for students seeking assistance related to the use of alcohol or illegal drugs.

Penalties for Drug Possession and Sale

Federal Penalties

The Federal Controlled Substances Act provides penalties of up to 15 years imprisonment and fines of up to $25,000 for unlawful distribution or possession with intent to distribute narcotics. For unlawful possession of a controlled substance, a person is subject to one year of imprisonment and fines up to $5,000. Any person who unlawfully distributes a controlled substance to a person under 21 years of age may be punished by up to twice the term of imprisonment and fine otherwise authorized by law.

Federal trafficking penalties for first offense Schedule I&II drugs range from a minimum of 5 years to a maximum of life in prison and a fine of $1 million for an individual or $10 million if not an individual. Penalties for first offense trafficking Schedule III&IV drugs range up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000 for an individual or $1 million if not an individual. Federal penalties for first offense trafficking marijuana range up to a maximum of life in prison and up to $4 million fine for an individual or $10 million if not an individual, depending on the quantity of marijuana.

Types of Drugs

Schedule I

Heroin, LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, other Hallucinogens, PCP, Quaaludes, marijuana, china white, mushrooms, ecstasy, GHB, and MDA.

Schedule II

Morphine, Methadone, Oxycontin, Demerol, Codeine, precedent, Fentanyl, Dilaudid, Seconal, Nembutal, Cocaine, Crack, Amphetamines, and other opium and opium extracts and narcotics.

Schedule III

Certain barbiturates such as amobarbital and codeine containing medicines such as Fiorinal #3, Doriden, and codeine-based cough suppressants and all anabolic steroids.

Schedule IV

Barbiturates, narcotics, and other stimulants including Valium, Talwin, Librium, Euqanil, Darvon, Darvocet, Placidyl, Tranzene, Serax, Ionamin (yellow jackets).

Schedule V

Compounds that contain very limited amounts of codeine, dihydro-codeine, ethlymorphine, opium, and atromine (Robitussin AC).

Schedule VI

Marijuana, THC, Hashish, Hash Oil, Tetrahydrocannabinol

New York State Laws Regarding Alcohol Violations

Driving While Ability Impaired (BAC of .05 to .07)

$300-$500 fine, up to 15 days in jail and 90 days revocation of license.

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) (BAC of .08 or more)

$500-$1000 fine, up to 1 year in jail and minimum 6-month license revocation.

Felony Driving While Intoxicated (second DWI conviction in 10 years)

$1,000-$5,000 fine, up to 4 years in prison and minimum of 1 year license revocation.

Procuring Alcohol for persons under the age of 21

$200 fine, up to 5 days in jail or both.

Possession by persons under 21

$50 fine per offense and/or completion of alcohol awareness program and/or community service.

Use of false ID for alcohol purchase

$100 fine, and/or community service, and/or completion of an alcohol awareness program, and/or revocation of driver’s license for 90 days.

New York State Penalties

The State of New York has established severe sanctions for the possession, use, and sale of controlled substances which are consistent with Federal penalties established for such. The specific criminal sanctions are delineated in the New York State Penal Law. The severity of the offense depends on the type and the quantity of the illegal substance, as well as the holder’s intent (personal use, distribution or sale). For example, in New York State, the criminal possession of four or more ounces of cocaine is a class A-1 felony, punishable by a minimum of 15-25 years and a maximum of life in prison, and a maximum $100,000 fine. Unlawful possession of a small quantity of marijuana is a violation, resulting in a fine of not more than $100 for the first offense. Additional violations result in larger fines and the imposition of misdemeanor criminal charges, which include the establishment of a permanent record.

Health Risks

The use of illegal drugs, tobacco, and the abuse of alcohol may have serious health consequences, including damage of the heart, lungs, and other organs. Alcohol-related accidents are the number one cause of death for persons aged 15-24. The most significant health risk, besides death, is addiction. Chemical dependency is a disease that, if not arrested, is fatal. No addict (including alcoholics and smokers) ever thought he/she would become addicted.

  • Abuse of alcohol and marijuana during puberty can result in an imbalance of sex hormones resulting in reduced muscle mass and shrinkage of testicles in males and menstrual difficulties and infertility in females.
  • The risk of breast cancer is increased by 30% among women who consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks per day.
  • The use of hallucinogens (LSD, PCP, Mescaline) can result in an irreversible drug induced psychotic state and/or delusions which may trigger life-threatening behavior.
  • The use of cocaine or amphetamines greatly increases the risk of heart attack.
  • Stimulants (“uppers”, speed, crack, methyl, crystal) may cause permanent damage to the brain, heart, lungs, and other organs from long-term use.
  • Medical consequences of alcohol abuse include liver damage and disease, gastrointestinal problems and brain damage, as well as causing injury to a fetus during pregnancy.
  • Inhalants (“poppers”, rush, laughing gas, glue, pain thinner) may cause mental confusion, mood swings, delusions, and hallucinations.
  • Depressants (“downers”, ludes, reds, 714s, barbs) greatly increase the risk of car crashes because they affect vision, judgment, coordination, and physical skills.
  • In cases of rape, 75% of the men and 55% of the women involved had been using alcohol or other drugs.
  • Research has shown that the strongest predictor of suicide is alcoholism. People with substance use disorders are about six times more likely to commit suicide than the general population. Roughly one in three people who die from suicide are under the influence of drugs, typically opiates such as oxycodone or heroin, or alcohol. (Psychology Today February 20, 2014 article).

About Alcohol

In addition to the immediate dangers from drinking at a single event, there are dangers from patterns of drinking. Some people drink for unhealthy reasons and it can cause negative consequences in their lives. They are alcohol abusers, or problem drinkers. For others (as many as 13% of college males and 5% of college females), the drinking has progressed even further, to alcoholism.

The following are warning signals that may indicate a problem in your drinking pattern:

  • Missed classes or work due to hangovers; unfulfilled academic potential or even failing grades due to drinking.
  • Accidents and injuries due to drinking.
  • Blackouts (inability to remember something that happened while drinking).
  • Doing something (for example, a sexual act) contrary to one’s values while under the influence of alcohol.
  • Fights and arguments, loss of friends or lovers, due to drinking.
  • Drinking alone to relieve anxiety, depressions, boredom, or loneliness.
  • Drinking to feel socially confident.

Why is alcohol considered a dangerous drug?

The consumption of alcohol is considered by some experts to be the leading cause of death in the U.S. Today.

Alcohol is a drug that significantly affects all body systems, contributing to the incidence of cancer, heart disease, liver disease, digestive disorders, and brain dysfunction. In fact, its contributions to these problems is greater than that of any other known legal or illegal drug.

Alcohol impairs judgment in very specific ways: it may make on “feel” as if he or she is doing better than he or she is. You feel more attractive, wittier, and more in control of the situation – thus, the temptation to take extraordinary risks. The awareness of being impaired is reduced!


Assistance and information can be obtained from the following:

Purchase College

  • Counseling Center - (914) 251-6390
  • Director of Wellness - (914) 251-6665
  • Wellness Counselor - (914) 251-6657
  • Health Services - (914) 251-7925
  • University Police - (914) 251-6900
  • Student Affairs - (914) 251-6030
  • Residential and Student Life - (914) 251-6320
  • Human Resources - (914) 251-6090
  • Employee Assistance Coordinator - (914) 251-6098

Off Campus

  • Alcoholics Anonymous - (914) 949-1200
  • Al-Anon - (914) 946-1748
  • Cocaine/Crack Hotline - (888) 883-0988
  • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - (800) 622-2255
  • NYS Hope Line - (877) 846-7369) (HOPENY)
  • Narcotics Anonymous - (800) 974-0062

A full copy of the Biennial Review can found online.