We acknowledge that the transcripts of homeschooled students may be different than those of traditional high school students and that our application forms may not fit their individualized program. We attempt to be as fair and equitable as possible in evaluating applicants to ensure they are given every consideration in the application process. Although individual students may not be able to submit everything that we ask for, homeschooled students should submit as much information as possible describing their curriculum, which may include course descriptions, texts read, and skill levels completed. This information can be very helpful as we examine a student’s ability in the five academic areas of Math, Science, Social Studies, English, and Foreign Language.
In order to help us best assess the fit for Purchase College the application must include the following:
- A transcript outlining the subjects studies and results of your high school program through the end of grade eleven.
- Official SAT or ACT test scores (sent directly from the testing agency).
- A detailed outline of the homeschool curriculum, including subject areas studied, texts used, and time spent on each discipline.
- At least one letter of recommendation from a tutor, evaluator, or teacher who is not a family member. We prefer two academic references, but we realize that this may be difficult. A second letter of reference may come from an employer, supervisor, or any non-family member who can address important personal qualities such as responsibility, creativity, discipline, and initiative.
Applicants must also submit ONE of the following:
- A letter from the superintendent of the school district in which the student resides, attesting to the student’s completion of a program of home instruction that is the substantial equivalent of a four year high school course;
- The High School Equivalency Diploma; a passing score on the general comprehensive examination for the state high school equivalency diploma (GED) (and the diploma itself when available). A student may not take the GED test until July 1st of the year in which he or she turned 16.
- Successful completion as verified by the degree-granting institution of 24 semester hours as a recognized candidate for a college-level degree distributed in accordance with 8 NYCRR Section 3.47(a)(2)(ii)(d);
- A previous college-level degree from an accredited degree-granting institution; or
- Evidence of having passed five Regents examinations in the subjects listed in 8 NYCRR Section 3.47(a)(2)(ii)(f).
**A diploma issued by a correspondence school that is not accredited or registered in the state in which it is located is not acceptable as the recognized equivalent of a high school diploma.
New York State law no longer requires an institution of higher education to admit as matriculated students only persons who have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Campuses must have campus-specific admissions requirements (i.e., high school grade point average, SAT I, ACT, SAT II scores, essay, letters of reference, extracurricular activities) that take into account the student’s capacity to undertake a college-level course of study and the capacity of the institution to provide the instructional and other support the student needs to complete the program of study. Home-schooled students may be admitted as matriculated students to University campuses under this policy without proof of a high school diploma or its equivalent. This policy does not change the requirements pertaining to eligibility for state student financial aid. Please see SUNY Requirements for Degree Conferral and Enrollment of Home Schooled Students:
Students who do not have proof of a high school diploma, or its equivalent may request special consideration from the Office of Admissions. Students may be asked to interview and should be prepared to supply additional supporting information as needed to help the committee to determine their capacity to undertake college-level course study at Purchase College. Students who are approved to matriculate without proof of high school diploma or its equivalent will not be eligible for state financial aid.