Broadview Residents
Purchase College Library welcomes residents of the Broadview Senior Living Community. Please review the following library privileges and policies.
Borrowing Privileges
For an annual fee of $50, Broadview Residents are able to check out physical materials from the Library’s main collections, including: books, DVDs, CDs, LPs, and music scores.
To sign up for borrowing privileges, please bring your MORE Card (Purchase ID) to the Library’s Circulation Desk along with a check for $50 made out to the “Purchase College Foundation” with “Friends of the Library” in the Notes field.
Loan Periods for Broadview Residents
Item | Loan Period |
Regular Loan (books, scores) | 30 days with 1 renewal (for an additional 30 days) |
DVDs and BluRays - Popular Collection | 10 days |
DVDs and BluRays - Academic Collection | 4 hours, in-library use only |
Bound Journals | 7 days |
CDs and LPs | 10 days |
Course Reserves | No access |
Interlibrary Loan | No access |
Maximum Number of Loans for Broadview Residents
Item | Number that may be checked out at one time |
Regular loan (books, scores) | 10 |
Art books | 3 |
DVDs and Blu-rays (Popular Collection) | 10 |
DVDs and Blu-rays (Academic Collection) | 3 |
Bound Journals | 5 |
CDs and LPs | 10 |
As Purchase College Library’s primary mission is academic, students and faculty have priority when checking out materials. Items checked out to Broadview Residents may be recalled before the due date if the items are needed for course reserves, classes, or coursework. Broadview residents must comply with all recall notifications and return items promptly when asked. Patrons must return recalled items within 10 days or be fined a daily charge of $20 per day.
Fines and Payments
The Library does not charge overdue fines to any patrons. If you lose an item or fail to return or renew an item after its original due date, you will be charged the replacement cost of the item (as determined by the Library) plus a $20 processing fee. The Library does not accept replacement items provided by the borrower.
We are not able to accept cash or credit card/electronic payments at this time. Fees must be paid via personal check made out to Purchase College Library and mailed (or hand-delivered) to the Library Director’s Office:
Purchase College Library, SUNY
c/o Director’s Office
735 Anderson Hill Rd
Purchase, NY 10577
E-Resource Access
Broadview Residents can access the Library’s e-resources remotely using their login: lastname.firstname (without and email password. Access includes:
- Discovery Search (Library Catalog) and My Library Account (online account)
- Research databases such as JSTOR, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, ProQuest Research Library, etc.
- eBook databases, i.e. ProQuest eBook Central, EBSCO eBook Collection, etc.
- streaming video databases, i.e. SWANK, AVON, and Kanopy
- See complete Databases A-Z list.
Use of Library Spaces
Broadview residents are welcome to use the following spaces for group meetings:
- Classrooms LIB 0002, LIB 0014, LIB 0012 (first come, first served, when not in use for classes)
- Music Collection room (first come, first served. Includes use of microfilm reader and LP turntables)
- First floor tables outside of Technical Services (first come, first served)
- 2012 Lounge (first come, first served)
Broadview residents may also use the following services/areas:
- Viewing rooms in Media Resources Center (first come, first served. Ask for key at Circulation to watch in-house DVDs, Blu-rays, and VHS)
- Soft seating and tables throughout the Library including the Digital Media Zone and upper mezzanines levels (first come, first served)
The following spaces are for Purchase College student, staff, and library-use only:
- Classroom labs: 1004B, 1004C, 1004D
- DMZ lab 1015A, 1015B, and 1015C
- Room LIB 1014
- Group Study Rooms LIB 2001A and LIB 2001B
- Study carrels on lower level (during last 2 weeks of the semester)
If a lab or classroom is required for library instruction or a Purchase College course, a reservation may be transferred to a different space. During the beginning of the semester, finals, and other times with heavy academic activity, the Library may restrict room reservations to students and faculty only.
Additional Privileges
Broadview residents also have access to the following at Purchase College Library:
- In-house use of physical library materials
- Use of library computers with login (or guest login)
- Use of scanners
- In-house use of e-resources/databases in library labs
- Access to library archives / special collections (by appointment with Special Collections librarian)
- On-site help using library resources from reference librarians and CTS technician
- Viewing rooms or portable DVD/Blu-ray players to view academic collection films in-house
- Help via our virtual reference Ask a Librarian services
Purchase College Library serves the curriculum and academic mission of the College. To honor that mission and meet the needs of Purchase students and faculty, the following limitations are in effect:
Interlibrary Loan: Broadview Residents will not be able to place interlibrary loan requests for physical or electronic items. They may use Westchester Public Library for ILL.
Printing: Printing is managed by CTS, campus-wide. Enrolled students pay tech fees to obtain printer points in Papercut. Broadview Residents will not have access to Papercut and will not be able to print. The Library does not have a system in place for guest printing. Guests/Broadview Residents can use our scanners to email documents to themselves and print from home. Senior Auditors enrolled in classes would have printing/Papercut privileges.
Influence over Library Collections: Currently the Library collections are driven by the curriculum and by faculty and student requests. Please understand funds are limited. The Library will only be able to purchase materials that align with the curriculum.
- Satellite or Branch Services: Limitations on resources allow us to maintain and operate only one library location. We are happy to liaise with any staff members or volunteers at Broadview; however, all Purchase College Library collections will remain housed in our building at the center of the campus mall.
Regional Library Access
As residents of Purchase, NY, Broadview members can join county and regional public library systems as well.
Westchester Public Library System
The Purchase Free Library and Harrison Public Library serve our area. See this FAQ on obtaining a WLS library card. WLS access includes:
- Borrow materials at all WLS branches
- Request/hold items at your preferred branch.
- Access e-resources and eBook/audiobook platforms such as: OverDrive, Libby, Kanopy (public library version), Freading, LinkedIn Learning, hoopla, etc.
New York Public Library
All New York State residents are eligible to apply online for an NYPL card. This can be used at most NYPL branches in New York City and online. NYPL access includes:
- Borrow library materials
- Download digital media
- Access e-resources remotely such as: Mango Languages, LinkedIn Learning, Flipster, E-Book Central, SimplyE, OverDrive, AudioBookCloud, etc.
Direct link to this Policy for Broadview Residents.