Quarantine and Isolation Policy

As per the Isolation policy:

Those with symptoms waiting for test results must:

  • Isolate until test result is received.

Those with no symptoms but a positive test must:

  • Isolate for 5 days, counting day 0 as the day the test was collected. Isolation ends after day 5.
  • Isolate for 10 days if unable to wear a well-fitting surgical, N95, or KN95 mask ondays 6-10.

Those with symptoms and a positive test must:

  • Isolate a minimum of 5 days, day 0 is the day symptoms start. Isolation ends after day 5.
  • Isolate until fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication and until other symptoms have improved.
  • Isolate for 10 days if unable to wear a well-fitting surgical, N95, or KN95 mask on days 6-10.
  • Immunocompromised individuals should speak to their physician for additional recommendations.

As per the quarantine policy for those with known exposure to COVID-19:

  • Regardless of vaccination status, individuals should get tested at least five days after exposure if possible.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, you do not have to quarantine after being designated a close contact of a positive case.
  • Wear a high quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.
  • If symptoms develop, test as soon as possible. If positive, isolate for 5 days from symptom onset or (if no symptoms) from the date that the test was collected.
  • Those who have had COVID-19 within the past 90 days do not need to test unless symptoms develop.

For further guidance and to report a positive case or contact:

  • Students who test positive should call Health Services at (914) 251-6380 for guidance in terms of their symptoms and the appropriate quarantine or isolation time.
  • Employees should report any positive cases to Human Resources via the COVID Reporting Form as soon as possible and be in touch with their personal physicians should they have questions about their symptoms.