Skateboarding, Skating, and Bicycling

The college recognizes that students, faculty, and staff use a variety of means of transportation on campus. Although personal choice is important, the college must consider the safety and well-being of the campus community and our visitors and college property.

In an effort to balance our concern for community safety and the ability to use these means of transportation, the college has issued the following policy regarding the use of bicycles, skates (including roller-skates and in-line skates),  and skateboards on campus.

  • All individuals using bicycles, skates, and skateboards are expected to use the equipment in a manner which is appropriate, considerate of safety of others and of college property outside of the main plaza. Individuals who use the equipment recklessly or without care of others’ safety and college property will be confronted, documented, and addressed through the college’s and/or state’s disciplinary systems.
  • Individuals are prohibited from  skating or skateboarding on the main plaza (aka: academic mall). In addition, individuals are prohibited from engaging in tricks (sliding, grinding, jumps, etc.) anywhere on college grounds which involve any college property (i.e., stairs, steps, railing, benches, entrances to buildings). Loitering or “sessioning” in these areas for the purpose of attempting tricks or stunts is strictly prohibited and will be confronted and dealt with through the college and/or state disciplinary systems.
  • Furthermore, the use of bicycles, skates, and skateboards inside of campus buildings, including the residence areas, is strictly prohibited. Bicycles must be stored in bike racks located throughout the campus and should not be brought into the buildings. Skateboards must be picked up and carried when within campus buildings. Skates must be removed before entering campus buildings.
  • The campus should be maintained as a safe and beautiful environment for everyone. Reckless behavior which endangers individuals and property should not be undertaken. It should be noted that the use of these items, in themselves, involves an assumption of personal risk. Persons who use them are personally liable for their actions.
  • For information regarding electric scooters, bicycles, or other electronic transport devices, please see the College’s Personal Electric Transport Device Policy.

Procedure for Enforcement

Bikers, skateboarders and skaters are subject to disciplinary action for failure to stop at the scene of an accident in which they have been involved that results in property damage and/or injury. Identification must be presented to the other party and the accident reported to the New York State University Police. The college will seek restitution if college property is damaged or destroyed.

University police officers are authorized to take temporary possession of bikes, skateboards or skates from users who act without caution or do not comply with this policy. Parents or guardians of offenders under the age of 17 must appear at the New York State University Police office to claim the bikes, skateboards, or skates.


Purchase College students who violate this policy shall be referred to the Office of Community Standards for disciplinary action. The privilege to use bikes, skateboards, or skates may be revoked for up to one year for repeated offenses.  

For persons who are not Purchase College community members, the New York State University Police may determine that the offender be banned from riding in certain areas of the campus or on the entire campus for up to one year or longer should there be repeat offenses.

Policy Updated January 2017