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Personal Electronic Transport Device Policy

Purchase College recognizes that students, faculty, staff and visitors may use a variety of means of transportation on campus. Although personal choice is important, the College must consider the safety and well-being of the campus community, our visitors and college property.

To balance our concern for community safety, our commitment to sustainability and the ability to use these means of transportation, the College prohibits the storage, charging, and use of personal electric transportation devices in any buildings or residence halls.

This policy responds to recent reports from the Consumer Product Safety Commission regarding potential fire hazards resulting from lithium-ion batteries that power these devices and the lack of product safety standards in place.

Devices covered by this policy include but are not limited to: electric scooters (e-scooters), electric bicycles (e-bikes), Segways, electric unicycles, hoverboards, electric skateboards and any other lithium-ion battery operated instrument of transportation.

Procedure for Enforcement/Noncompliance: Personal electric transportation device users and/or owners will be referred to Community Standards or Human Resources for possible disciplinary action for failure to comply with College Policy. Should anyone be addressed for personal electric transportation device storage, charging or use on campus, identification must be presented to the requesting official. Any electrical fires involving Personal Electronic Transport Devices must be immediately reported to the New York State University Police. The College will seek restitution if college property is damaged or destroyed.

State University Police Officers are authorized to enforce the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. For non-compliant campus visitors, UPD may deem them persona non grata.

Accommodation: For those students who may require use of lithium-ion battery powered device for a disability-related purpose as part of an approved accommodation, please contact the Office of Disability Resources, (Student Services Building, #316A), phone 914-251-6035, or send an email to ODR@purchase.edu. You may also visit their website for more information. Employees who may require use of lithium-ion battery powered device for a disability-related purpose as part of an approved accommodation should contact Ricardo Espinales, Reasonable Accommodation Officer, 914-251-6086.