Code of Conduct
Consequences of Violating the Code of Conduct
Failure to comply with these policies may result in removal from the Library, suspension of library privileges, and/or notification to University Police (UPD). If inappropriate conduct occurs after an initial warning, you will be asked to leave the Library.
Library Building & Property
The Library is obligated to protect the building, its furniture, and all library materials and equipment from purposeful damage or destruction. Please refrain from the following acts of vandalism on library property:
- Removal of pages, pictures, or covers from print materials, CDs, and DVD jackets.
- Writing on, highlighting, or altering books, or equipment. Library materials are inspected to ensure that they are checked out in good condition, please return them that way.
- Damaging or defacing other library property. This would include: equipment, furniture, fixtures, or any of the building’s interior, exterior walls or grounds.
Violators will be referred to University Police and Student Affairs for disciplinary and/or criminal proceedings.
For your safety and the safety of others, please use library furniture only as intended. Refrain from:
- standing or lying on chairs, tables, desks, or other furniture.
- climbing or jumping on or off stairs, walls, poles, balconies, ledges, roofs.
Moving furniture
Moving furniture or technology from one area to another is prohibited. If you must move a chair or furniture within classrooms, please return it to its original position.
Obstructing Windows or Creating Barriers
It is not permitted to cordon off or to obstruct the view into any library space that does not have shades or blinds for this purpose. It is prohibited to:
- Cover the windows or doors of study carrels or group study rooms
- Hang blankets, sheets, etc. from walls or ceilings
- Erect a barrier or move furniture that blocks access to any area of the library
Bicycles/Skateboards/Scooters etc.
The use of bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or other non-essential mobility devices is not permitted within the Library building. Skateboards and small, foldable bikes or scooters can be carried with you into the Library, but please lock larger vehicles that may obstruct others’ use of the building outside on the racks indicated for this purpose. Do not chain bicycles or other vehicles to library railings.
Treatment of Staff/Fellow Library Patrons
Respect staff
Treat all library staff and fellow library users with respect and courtesy. Comply with staff requests and directives. Any actions that are perceived as harassment or threatening will not be tolerated.
Follow staff instructions during emergencies and drills
Failure to evacuate when requested, or to follow other directions from staff during emergencies and/or drills may result in removal from the Library, suspension of library privileges, and/or notification to University Police (UPD).
Personal Comportment & Behavior
Patrons using the Library must adhere to the following policies pertaining to individual comportment and conduct:
The Library is divided into three, color-coded study zones: Silent, Quiet, and Group Study. The rules of each zone are specified below. Library staff reserve the right to determine what constitutes excessive, inappropriate, or distracting noise. Failure to adhere to the noise policy and/or staff warnings may result in removal from a particular study zone, removal from the Library, and/or suspension of library privileges.
In all library spaces, including Group Study Zones, please:
- Respect others in your immediate surroundings by keeping conversations brief and using low, reasonable, “indoor” voices.
- Set cell phones on silent or vibrate.
- Keep cell phone conversations brief and at low volume.
- Always use headphones when watching films or listening to music.
The rules for each study zone are as follows:
Silent Study Zone (blue)
- No talking (You may whisper only when necessary)
- No cell phone conversations
- Cell phones must be set to silent
- No listening to music or movies without headphones
Quiet Study Zone (yellow)
- Brief, occasional talking in a low speaking voice
- No cell phone conversations
- Cell phones must be set to silent
- No listening to music or movies without headphones
Group Study Zone (orange)
- Collaboration and conversation at a normal “indoor” speaking volume are permitted
- Brief cell phone conversations are permitted
- Cell phones must be set to vibrate or silent
- No listening to music and movies without headphones
For study zone locations, please see our Study Zones Map
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the Library. Violators will be referred to University Police and Student Affairs for disciplinary action. Exceptions may be made for college-sanctioned special events in accordance with the College’s Alcohol Policy and with the prior approval of the library director.
Appropriate attire is required, including shirts and shoes. Library personnel reserve the right to determine the appropriateness of clothing. Library personnel also reserve the right to ask individuals to wear additional clothing.
Tobacco use is not permitted in the Library, in accordance with the College’s Tobacco Free Policy. Smoking or vaping any substance, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited in the Library. Violators will be referred to University Police and Student Affairs for disciplinary action.
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Library users are expected to comply with the Purchase College Academic and Professional Integrity Policy by completing original work and avoiding cheating and plagiarism. The Library values the ethical use of information and research in all academic and creative works. The College’s Academic Integrity Policy requires students to properly cite, paraphrase, and attribute any ideas which are not their own. Crediting scholars who came before contributes to an ongoing academic discourse, promotes a culture of integrity, and protects the rights of authors and creators, including those within the Purchase College community.
The misuse of library resources and services, including in-person and virtual reference services, for the purposes of cheating or plagiarism constitutes academic dishonesty and will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee.
To learn about plagiarism and proper citation techniques, visit the Citation Guide. When in doubt, you can always ask a librarian about citing and paraphrasing sources, using copyrighted images, formatting bibliographies, etc.
All library users are expected to comply with copyright laws. Please see our Copyright Guide for more details.
Direct link to the Code of Conduct.