Grade of Incomplete: Procedure for Receiving

To be eligible for a grade of incomplete (I), students must meet the following guidelines:

  1. To receive a grade of incomplete (I), a student must request this grade from the instructor. Students on academic probation are not eligible for incomplete grades.
  2. The instructor determines if a grade of incomplete (I) is appropriate. Criteria for this determination include previous work completed, course attendance, and factors not in the student’s control (i.e., illness, death in family, etc.). If an incomplete is granted, the instructor determines the date for the work to be completed (no longer than four weeks) and files the grade of incomplete (I) online.
  3. If a revised grade is not submitted by the published deadline, (see academic calendar for deadlines) the grade of incomplete (I) is automatically converted to an F. In such cases, the grade of F is final.
  4. If truly extenuating circumstances exist, an extension of an incomplete is possible with the approval of the director of the school/conservatory in which the course is offered. An “Extension of Incomplete” form must be used and submitted by the published deadline.