Full-Time and Part-Time Status and Overload Approval
The minimum full-time semester workload is 12 credits for undergraduate students and 9 credits for graduate students. Certain forms of federal, state, and institutional financial aid require full-time status by the end of the add/drop period. Only full-time students are permitted to live on campus.
Overload Approval
To receive overload approval for a given semester, approval must be obtained from the appropriate assigned advisor:
- students in the performing arts BFA and MusB programs who wish to register for more than 22 credits (a maximum of 30 credits is allowed each semester); and
- students in all other undergraduate degree programs who wish to register for more than 18 credits (a maximum of 24 credits is allowed each semester).
Part-Time Status
Undergraduate students who pursue fewer than 12 credits (and graduate students who pursue fewer than 9 credits) per semester have part-time status. Part-time matriculated students meet the same admission and degree requirements as full-time matriculated students. Students who wish to pursue part-time studies should consult with the chair or director and department faculty to determine whether a part-time program is available.
Nonmatriculated, Winter Session, and Summer Session Students
Course Load and Overload
- During the academic year (fall and spring semesters), nonmatriculated students may take a maximum of 18 credits each semester without special permission.
- Overloads are not permitted in winter session. Given the intensive pace of winter session courses, all students are limited to a maximum of 4 credits—no exceptions.
- During summer session, all students may enroll for a maximum of 12 credits across the four summer sessions. Limits within the sessions are as follows: a maximum of 4 credits in the online Session I and a maximum of 8 credits in Sessions II, III, and IV combined.