Internal Transfer: Policy and Procedures
Matriculated students in a BA or BS program who wish to transfer into a BFA or MusB program should contact the office of the director of their intended program. Likewise, BFA and MusB students who wish to transfer into a BA or BS program should contact the office of the chair or director of their intended program. (Nonmatriculated students who wish to enroll in a degree-granting program at Purchase must follow regular admission procedures.)
- The student will be given an internal transfer application. Deadlines for internal transfer applications vary from program to program; however, all applications must be completed and submitted at least six weeks before a semester begins.
- The student is then advised, when applicable, about the audition, interview, and/or portfolio requirements of the intended program and the procedure for completing those requirements. The student should also be advised about the nature of the program and any implications regarding transfer credit.