Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Literacy: Students will demonstrate the ability to read at sight with fluency, exhibiting both general musicianship and, in the major performance area, a level of skill relevant to professional standards appropriate for the particular music concentration.
  2. Technique: Students will demonstrate the technical skill requisite for artistic self-expression in at least one performance area at a level appropriate for the particular music concentration. 
  3. Composition: Students will create music in a personal language with a requisite level of craft appropriate for the particular music concentration.
  4. Analysis: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the common elements and organizational patterns of music and their interaction, and the ability to employ this understanding in performance as well as in written and aural forms.
  5. Performance Preparation: Students will demonstrate the ability to learn new works independently and to acquire new repertoire with accuracy, establishing the work in a stylistic period or interpretative approach.
  6. Interpretation: Students will use theoretical and historical analysis to create an informed hearing of a given musical work as well as an original voice as a musical artist. 
  7. Collaborative Competence: Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to work at every level of an ensemble, from leadership positions to supportive roles, and to move easily between these functions, illustrating their understanding that music is a social art form that depends on the artistic.