• Major
  • Minor
  • BA

Academic Requirements

In addition to meeting  General Education requirements and other degree requirements, all history majors must complete seven history courses, plus a junior seminar and an 8-credit senior project (37–40 credits total):

  • The broad survey courses at the 2000 level serve as the foundation for more specialized work at the 3000 level.
  • All history majors are required to take the Junior History Seminar in the spring semester of their junior year. This course is open exclusively to history majors.
  • All history majors will be assigned a senior project advisor by the end of their junior year, and are required to register with this advisor for 4 credits of senior project (SPJ 4990/Senior Project I) in the fall of their senior year, and 4 more credits (SPJ 4991/Senior Project II) in the spring of their senior year.

  Areas of Interest

  • History majors normally take four or five elective courses that are clustered within an area of special interest to the student. At least three of these courses must be at the upper (3000–4000) level.
  • History majors must also take at least two or three elective history courses outside their area of interest. At least one of these must be at the upper (3000–4000) level.
  • The student’s area of interest within the major should be developed in consultation with a faculty advisor at the beginning of the junior year, and must be approved by the board of study. Normally, a student will select from among the following nine areas:
    1. American history
    2. Ancient and medieval history
    3. Asian studies
    4. Early modern history
    5. European history
    6. Jewish history
    7. Latin American history
    8. Modern history
    9. Women’s history

Summary of Academic Requirements

A total of seven history courses, plus the junior seminar and the 8-credit senior project:

  1. HIS —/Seven history courses as follows (25–28 credits):
    a. Four or five history courses in an area of interest (including three at the 3000–4000 level)
    b. Two or three history courses outside the area of interest (including one at the 3000–4000 level)
  2. HIS 3880/Junior History Seminar (spring semester, junior year): 4 credits
  3. SPJ 4990/Senior Project I: 4 credits
  4. SPJ 4991/Senior Project II: 4 credits