Our Hours Today:
9:00am - 4:30pm

Policies and Procedures

The Testing Center is open from 9:00am-4:30pm, Monday through Friday. All exam/quiz appointments must be completed by 4:30pm.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to uphold the integrity of the examination process (Academic Integrity Policy). If there is evidence of academic dishonesty (i.e., cheating, plagiarizing, etc), the Testing Coordinator will inform instructors about these concerns. Breaches of academic integrity can result in disciplinary action. 

Scheduling the Test

  • In order to take an exam at the Testing Center, students are required to complete a Test Room Booking request through Purchase Accommodate.
  • Students are expected to schedule their quizzes, exams, and final exams during the same date/time as their class unless it interferes with their extended time accommodation. If an alternative date and/or time is required, you are responsible for contacting your Professor for pre-approval to take the test at an alternative date and/or time. Preapproval information must be included in your appointment notes when you schedule your appointment.
  • For scheduling purposes, students are responsible for scheduling their in-person test accommodation appointments using the Accommodate online system at least one week before their test to make sure that the proper space and/or technology are available.  Accommodate will not permit appointment requests with fewer than 72 hours advanced notice. However, the Testing Coordinator can, in certain extenuating circumstances, facilitate scheduling an exam within the 72-hour period.
  • The Testing Center does not guarantee the provisions of service for late requests.
  • The Testing Center only administers tests and quizzes to Purchase College students who are registered with the Office of Disability Resources and have approved testing accommodations.

If you have questions about the process or want to meet with an Access Counselor, please call our office to schedule an appointment: 914-251-6035.

Canceling or Changing the Appointment

  • If any changes occur to an existing appointment, students should cancel the original appointment and create a new appointment so that all parties can be made aware of the changes. If there are any last minute changes that need to be made, students should contact the Testing Coordinator, Olisa Bajgora at 914-251-3993, as soon as possible.

Final Exams

  • Final exams should be scheduled at least 7-10 business days in advance.

Reduced Distraction Environment

  • Students are provided with a Reduced Distraction Environment at the Testing Center and should not expect the availability of a private room. Private rooms are based on availability and are provided to students based on their specific accommodation needs.

Checking In

  • Students are expected to arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled exam time:
  • If students arrive late and start late as a result, they will not be given extra time. They are expected to complete their exam at the original end time.
  • If students are delayed for administrative reasons, they will still receive their full amount of time. Examples include: late start due to the testing coordinator setting up multiple students, printing/computer issues, etc.
  • Students must put all of their belongings into a locker, including cell phones. Students may not access their locker during breaks unless they have permission from the Testing Coordinator.

Materials Required

  • Students are responsible for bringing materials required for the exam including pens, pencils, and calculators.
  • The Testing Center will provide scantrons, blue books, and noise canceling headphones.


  • When using the restroom, all materials must remain in the testing room. 5-10 minutes is considered a reasonable break length (unless otherwise noted).

During the Exam

  • Students must manage their own time by wearing a watch or referring to the clock in the room. It will not always be possible for staff to give reminders as doing so could potentially distract other students.
  • The student must complete the exam (scantron completion included) within the allotted time.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the testing room unless that is part of a student’s accommodation; if water is needed the student may have a bottle of water.
  • Students should speak to the Testing Coordinator immediately if:
    • They have any concerns about their testing environment;
    • They have questions about the exam instructions. The Testing Coordinator will attempt to contact instructors for clarification.