Michael Garrett, J.D.
Michael Garrett, J.D.
B.A., M.B.A., J.D. Columbia University
Michael Garrett is a seasoned legal and business advisor with diverse global financial services, corporate, nonprofit, consulting and coaching experience. He served for many years as a partner and Associate General Counsel of Coopers & Lybrand with responsibility for human resource policies and claims, management and benefits consulting, enterprise and industry technology, real estate, intellectual property, professional practice problems, disputes and litigations, and diverse regulatory matters. After his time with Coopers & Lybrand, Michael then became General Counsel of the global investments division of the Swiss Reinsurance Company. In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Michael created, managed and grew one of the most successful nonprofit initiatives to benefit family survivors of the attack victims, The Gift of New York, sponsored by the Bronfman and Tisch families. During and after his legal career, Michael has been a for- and non-profit director, career and executive coach, and mentor, and presents legal and strategic subjects through those lenses with a good deal of humor and war stories.
Presentation Topics: Analyzing and Managing Contractual, Transactional, HR, Litigation and General Strategic Matters in For- and Non-profit settings.
Preferred Formats: Lectures, Interactive Small Group discussion, and Workshops