Hannah Abramo
Hannah Abramo is a scenic designer based in Massachusetts and New York. During her time at Purchase, she has had the opportunity to design several productions, as well as gain experience as a scenic assistant, props charge, and paint charge. You can often find Hannah working outside around campus or making scale models in the senior studio. While she enjoys designing for theatre, she is also very eager to pursue event design and floral design post-graduation. Hannah is extremely grateful for the training she has received in the DT Program, and cannot wait to apply it to the art she makes in the future!
For more information, please check out her website: hannahabramo.myportfolio.com
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot
By: Stephen Adly Guirgis
Co-Scenic Designers: Hannah Abramo & Andrew Bellomo
Right Behind You
By: Margot Bordelon & Company
Scenic Designer: Hannah Abramo
Bibles and Candy
By: Dorothy Fortenberry
Co-Scenic Designers: Hannah Abramo & Kristen Chang