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Rosanna Seravalli

Professor Emerita of Dance

Born in Florence, Professor Seravalli began her ballet training at the school of Daria Collin.  At a very young age she performed professionally with  the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.  Ms. Seravalli came to the United States after receiving a scholarship and, shortly after her arrival, joined the Joffrey Ballet  before moving to American Ballet Theatre, where she spent the next  twelve years attaining the rank of soloist.

Upon leaving American Ballet Theatre, Professor Seravalli joined the faculty of the Conservatory of Dance at  Purchase College (SUNY).  There she has been teaching, staging, choreographing, rehearsing and taking on various other academic responsibilities. She is a much sought after master teacher both nationally and internationally. She has taught in the Caribbean, Latin America, Australia and throughout the Far East. 

Ms. Seravalli was invited to Taipei, Taiwan, to work with the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre and the National Institute of the Arts where she also helped to develop the Ballet Program. She was also invited to teach at the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts. She has often returned to teach in both institutions. She has been a visiting ballet mistress for Ballet Philippines in Manila,  working with both the school and the company with whom she went on a national tour throughout the islands. Seravalli was also invited as a guest teacher and ballet mistress for the Ballet Municipal de Santiago and as a visiting teacher at its school. In addition, she has been invited  to her home country to teach, stage and consult.. 

Seravalli received a SUNY Research Foundation Grant to visit  the former Soviet Union to develop methods for adapting Russian classical training for American dancers. She is a Fulbright Scholar who received the Fellowship to return to Chile, which allowed her continue her work with the Ballet Municipal de Santiago. She has traveled throughout Chile and neighboring countries giving seminars and master classes. She has worked with the Guangdong Modern Company in Guangzhou, China, and was invited to teach at the University of Melbourne’s Victorian College of the Arts and at the Queensland University of Technology’s dance program in Brisbane, Australia. Ms. Seravalli was featured in Dance Magazine in an article entitled “Rosanna Seravalli: A Teacher’s Wisdom.”  

Ms. Seravalli has choreographed and taught master classes for the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore. Her Far East invitations included returning to   Taiwan at various institutions including National University of the Arts(TUNA), Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center in Taipei and Loutong and Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s School in Taipei. and to Nagoya, Japan.   She was invited  teach at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and was a member of the faculty of American Ballet Theatre’s Summer Intensive Program in New York City for many years.  In addition, she teaches regularly at various schools in New York City including Ballet Academy East and Hudson Ballet Theatre and continues to teach, stage and rehearse internationally. 

Research Interests

  • ABT Ballet Pedagogy
  • Adaption of Russian Ballet method in training American Dancers
  • Re-staging classical repertories
  • Staging and rehearsing of Contemporary Ballets

Representative Courses

Classical Ballet (All levels)

Pointe & Variation